Anti-TLR3-ECD Aptamer(Cat#: CTApt-062)

This product is an aptamer which binds to the Toll-like receptor 3 Ectodomain with an affinity of <20 nM.

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5’ Modification
3’ Modification
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Target Category Protein
Target Toll-like receptor 3 Ectodomain
Chemical Modification RNA
Length 60-80 nt
Affinity (Kd) <20 nM
Binding Conditions/Buffer Binding buffer: 2 mM HEPES-NaOH (pH 7.6), 3 mM MgCl2, and 100 mM NaCl
GC Content 0.6094
Molecular Weight 20703.58 g/mole
Extinction Coefficient 628900 L/(mole·cm)
nmoles/OD260 1.59

Customer Review

Obtained reproducible results in my experiments
The aptamer binds to the target with high affinity and specificity, allowing us to study the receptor's activation and downstream effects. I am very pleased with this aptamer's performance.
It has allowed us to study the receptor's involvement in immune dysregulation
I purchased the anti-TLR3-ECD aptamer for my research on autoimmune diseases, and it has been phenomenal. The aptamer's binding affinity to TLR3 is remarkable.
For studying TLR3-related signaling pathways
This aptamer has greatly contributed to our research progress, and I would highly recommend it to others.
For Research Use Only. Not for Diagnostic or Therapeutic Applications.
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