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In Vitro CAR-T Cell Functional Analysis Service with Amphiphile-ligand Coated DC

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The research process of CAR-T cell therapy generally includes the construction of CAR molecules, packaging of CAR-T lentivirus, CAR expression levels, in vitro and in vivo killing verification, etc. However, unlike small molecule or antibody drugs, CAR-T is a cell-based drug, and many factors need to be fully considered in order to construct effective and stable CAR-T cells, such as the reasonable design of CAR molecular structure, the exploration of T cell transfection conditions, and the identification of CAR-T cells. Creative Biolabs combines the latest amphiphile-ligand vaccine technology with the launch of in vitro CAR-T cell functional analysis services for amphibious ligand-coated DCs to help you accelerate your project progress in new areas.

Our Service

As a leader in the field of hematological oncology, Creative Biolabs carries out in vitro CAR-T cell function analysis of amphiphilic ligand-coated DCs, providing customers with detection services for in vitro cellular immune function, number of CAR-T cells, cytokine levels, tumor burden and toxicity and side effects of CAR-T cell therapy. Creative Biolabs provides the following in vitro testing services:

  • Design of amphiphile-ligand vaccine

Based on the rich experience and continuous exploration of CAR-T cell therapy, Creative Biolabs has launched an amphiphile-ligand vaccine design service. The vaccine targets lymph nodes by linking a peptide antigen to an albumin-bound phospholipid polymer. This dual-ligand vaccine can stimulate amplified CAR-T amplification in vivo while increasing CAR-T function and antitumor activity in multiple solid tumor models.

Method Data Note
Design of amphiphile-ligand vaccine Fig.1 Amphiphile-ligand vaccines to promote CAR-T. (Ma, et al., 2019)
Fig.1 Amphiphile-ligand vaccines to promote CAR-T.1
Fig.1 illustrates the structural design of the amphiphilic ligand vaccine and its effect on CAR-T.
  • Ligand characterization

Creative Biolabs offers "delayable" CAR recognition of the small molecule fluorescein FITC that targets tumors by co-using FITC-conjugated anti-tumor antibodies to test the ability of amphiphile-ligands to functionally modify APCs.

Method Data Note
Small molecule fluorescein FITC Fig.2 Structures of amph-FITC and cognate FITC-CAR. (Ma, et al., 2019)
Fig.2 Structures of amph-FITC and cognate FITC-CAR.1
Fig.2 illustrates the mode of action of anti-FITC scFv and the dose-dependent stimulation of Amph-FITC-coated cells with FITC-CART and killing by FITC-CAR-Ts.
  • FACS / Confocal analysis

Creative Biolabs offers flow cytometry and confocal imaging techniques to help you test the modification capabilities of amph-FITC molecules.

Method Data Note
Immunohistochemistry and confocal imaging Fig.3 Confocal analysis of amph-FITC molecules. (Ma, et al., 2019)
Fig.3 Confocal analysis of amph-FITC molecules.1
Figure 3 shows the distribution of amph-FITC in cells.
  • Cytokine production (IFN-gamma)

Creative Biolabs offers a range of cytokine assays and products to help you analyze single and multiplex cytokines.

Method Data Note
Intracellular cytokine staining (ICS) Fig.4 IFN-γ secretion. (Ma, et al., 2019)
Fig.4 IFN-γ secretion.1
Detection of IFN-γ secretion of amph-ligand vaccine.
  • In vitro killing assay (amph-ligand coated DC co-culture with CART transduced T cells at xx E/T ratios)
Method Data Note
CAR-T toxicity analysis Fig.5 In vitro killing of target cells. (Ma, et al., 2019)
Fig.5 In vitro killing of target cells.1
Fig.5 shows Amph-FITC-coated cells stimulated with FITC-CART in a dose-dependent manner and killed by FITC-CAR-TS.

Amphiphile-ligand Vaccine Boosting CAR-T Cell Solutions

Creative Biolabs has been exploring the latest scientific frontiers of CAR-T cell therapy and is committed to providing customers with advanced and comprehensive technologies and services. If you are interested in this service or have any questions, please feel free to contact us.


  1. Ma, Leyuan, et al. "Enhanced CAR-T cell activity against solid tumors by vaccine boosting through the chimeric receptor." Science. 365,6449 (2019): 162-168.
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