
Custom Membrane Protein QC Service

Empowered by our cutting-edge analytical platforms and experienced technical personnel, Creative Biolabs is fully competent and dedicated to serving as your one-stop shop for the functional validation of membrane proteins.

Membrane proteins are popular drug targets in therapeutic fields. However, the production procedure of membrane proteins is tedious and their structures are intrinsically complicated, which could potentially lead to loss of native activity. Therefore, prior to further application, information regarding basic functional activity is of great essence for proper evaluation of the membrane protein quality and the proceedings and directions of the project. Creative Biolabs offers a comprehensive set of functional analysis services to assist our clients in determining the in vitro characteristics of various membrane proteins.

Membrane Protein (Creative Biolabs Original)

Traditional QC Services

Special QC Services

There are four subfamilies of G proteins: Gs, Gi/o, Gq/11, and G12/13. The various subfamilies' members use a variety of secondary messengers and signaling routes to carry out their actions. Originally believed to be mainly involved in membrane attachment and complex formation with inactive GDP-bound 𝜶 subunits, the β𝛾 complexes also regulate a number of effector proteins. We offer functional assays for GPCRs, including cAMP, calcium, inositol phosphate accumulation, and so on.

This label-free, highly sensitive method is generally considered as the 'gold standard' for assessing ion channel functions. It can measure the biophysical and pharmacological properties of voltage-gated and ligand-gated ion channels present in cells, membrane patches, or tissues with unmatched temporal resolution.

The information gathered from the initial step of analysis provides a guideline for membrane protein quality assurance and downstream applications. Aided by this versatile platform, scientists of Creative Biolabs are glad to tailor specific functional validation service packages to fit your timeline and R&D budget. Please contact us for more information and a detailed quote.

All listed services and products are For Research Use Only. Do Not use in any diagnostic or therapeutic applications.

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