Lewy Body Disease (LBD) Vaccine Design Service
Lewy body disease is a common age-related neurodegenerative disease that gradually leads to brain damage. Creative Biolabs has extensive experience in the development of vaccines for neurodegenerative disease, and is always being well-prepared to provide professional and targeted services to help researchers advance the development process.
Lewy Body Disease (LBD)

Lewy body disease is closely related to Parkinson's disease. Both of the two diseases are related to the accumulation of abnormal proteins in brain cells. These accumulated protein deposits are called Lewy bodies, and the disease is thus named after it. The protein associated with Lewy body disease is alpha-synuclein (α-syn), and an abnormal accumulation of this protein in specific regions of the brain will cause defects in cognitive and motor function, which will ultimately impact on movement, behavior, thinking, and mood. LBD, like Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, etc., is also a common cause of dementia. These diseases all belong to synucleinopathies because of similar etiology. Among them, Lewy body disease is an umbrella term for diseases with potential alpha-synuclein deposits in the brain. When the patient begins to show severe symptoms of movement, the diagnosis falls into Parkinson's disease, while Parkinson's disease dementia refers to disease with developed severe cognitive impairment in PD patients; Similarly, dementia with Lewy bodies is also diagnosed when patients have severe cognitive impairment, and Lewy body dementia is common in these diseases and it means changes in cognitive function.
Pathogenesis of LBD
LBD is now becoming more and more common, with more than one million people in the United States suffering from the disease, which has become the second most common cause of dementia. Age seems to be the most important factor, and individuals with these diseases are generally over 50 years old, usually accompanied by death after 5-7 years of disease. There is no clear conclusion about the exact cause of synucleinopathies and LBD, and its incentives may be related to various factors such as genetic and environmental effects. In most cases, genetic and environmental factors can cause synucleinopathies during the process of mediating mitochondria, autophagy dysfunction, and inflammatory responses. Dementia with Lewy bodies is usually not hereditary, but it is found to be genetically related in some families. The accumulation of abnormal α-syn in neurons causes neurons to fail to function normally or even die. This damage to the brain easily spreads and affects many functional areas of the brain. In the destruction of neurons, the loss of neurons capable of producing acetylcholine is considered to be the main cause of the declined ability in memorizing and learning, and the occurrence of problems such as behavior, cognition, movement, mood, and sleep is more due to the deaths of dopamine-producing neurons. The extent of LBD disease is related to the number of Lewy bodies. In addition, studies have also found that tau, Aβ proteins are also factors of LBD.
Development of Vaccines against PD
There is currently no cure for LBD and there are also no drugs that can improve the progression of the disease. In addition to donepezil approved for sale in Japan, no approved drugs for LBD are on the market. Strategies for treating LBD include immunotherapy, gene therapy, stem cell therapy, etc. as well as to reduce the accumulation of Aβ proteins. As a common pathological feature of several neurodegenerative diseases, misfolded and accumulated α-syn, Aβ and tau proteins may be the pathological basis of LBD, so most of the related vaccine studies are carried out targeting at these proteins. Vaccine research targeted at full-length human α-syn (hα-syn) found that the content of misfolded α-syn protein in neurons and synapses of immunized mouse decreased, and the degree of neurodegeneration was also reduced. Besides, mice that were able to produce high-level, high-affinity antibodies had higher levels of α-syn decline than other mice. In addition, peptide vaccines with α-syn85-99, α-syn109-126, and α-syn126-140 as antigens have also shown their ability to stimulate B cells to produce antibodies, and these vaccines can also avoid activating autoreactive Th cell response. Vaccine GP+RAP/α-syn that utilizes antigen-presenting cell-targeting glucan microparticle (GP) as a delivery system and combines with rapamycin (RAP) which is able to induce antigen-specific regulatory T cells (Tregs) is capable of eliciting strong anti-α-syn antibodies and neuroprotective Tregs responses.
Lewy Body Disease is a general term for a class of diseases with abnormal α-syn accumulation leading to neurodegeneration and even dementia. Such diseases affect not only the quality of life of patients, the dignity of patients but also the safety of patients. There is currently no relevant treatment available. The development of LBD vaccine is an effective strategy. Creative Biolabs brings together the world's leading vaccine research and development team and has done a lot of in-depth and extensive research on the development of vaccine for neurodegenerative diseases. We accumulated a wealth of experience over the last ten years and also helped the majority of customers to complete their research. If you have any needs in this area, please let us help you to contribute to the health of humanity.
All of our products can only be used for research purposes. These vaccine ingredients CANNOT be used directly on humans or animals.