Cow’s Milk Allergy Vaccine Design Service

As of today, allergen immunotherapy is a very important strategy for the treatment of allergic diseases. In recent years, immunotherapy based on allergen vaccine has played an increasingly important role in the prevention and control of allergic diseases. Creative Biolabs is a world leader in the field of vaccine development. With our extensive experience and advanced platform, we are therefore confident in offering the best vaccine development services for allergic disease.

Introduction of Cow’s Milk Allergy

Vaccines for Cow’s Milk Allergy– Creative Biolabs

Cow's milk allergy is a common food allergy which affects children globally. It is reported to affect up to 0.6-2.5% of preschoolers, 0.3% of older children and adolescents. and less than <0.5% of adults. Cow's milk is made up of several proteins, most of which are caseins (80%) and whey proteins (20%), with β-lactoglobulin (Bos d5) being the most abundant cow's milk whey protein. Milk allergic patients are typically sensitized to several different proteins, with co-sensitization to caseins (Bos d8), β-lactoglobulin (Bos d5), and ɑ-lactalbumin (Bos d4) being the most common. Co-sensitization to minor allergens can also occur. Candidate IgE epitopes for milk allergy have been defined and identified in various studies for β-lactoglobulin, ɑ-lactalbumin, and alphas1-casein.

Modified or Recombinant Allergen

As for food allergy, recombinant allergens have been synthesized or modified for milk allergy. For genetic engineering, many different approaches, such as the production of recombinant allergen fragments, mutated allergens, and mosaic approaches, have been used. These modified or recombinant allergens reduce IgE reactivity and retain T cell epitopes. Casein and whey proteins represent the common allergens in cow's milk that have been considered for modified or recombinant food allergy vaccines to prevent milk allergy. Recombinant β-lactoglobulin can be expressed and purified from an E. coli vector or Lactococcus lactis. Similarly, Lactobacillus casei has been considered as a vector for recombinant allergen production as well.

Peptide Vaccine

Peptide vaccine is a novel approach that utilizes only peptide fragments of the allergen rather than the entire allergen. Because these peptide fragments are small (8-16 amino acids in length), they are too short to cross-link IgE on mast cells or basophils, thus eliminating the risk of immediate-type adverse reactions caused by other vaccines. The ɑ-casein IgE binding epitope has been characterized and subjected to single or multiple amino acid substitutions. Changes in the structure of the protein epitope indicate a decrease in the binding of milk-specific IgE from milk allergic patients.

Our Services for Milk-Allergy Vaccine

Creative Biolabs has a variety of mature and comprehensive platforms and technologies for vaccine development, and we are committed to providing the best solutions and customized protocols for vaccine design and development for milk allergy. We offer the following related services:

  • Prediction and identification of T cell epitopes
  • Construction of vaccine vector
  • Evaluation and data analysis of the immune effects of candidate vaccine
  • Provide specialized vaccine development designs and solutions based on customer needs

Creative Biolabs is a world leader in the field of vaccine development and has been dedicated to vaccine design services for many years. We have experienced experts and advanced platforms that are able to provide excellent vaccine design and development services for allergic disease. If you need service with this, please contact us for more details.

All of our products can only be used for research purposes. These vaccine ingredients CANNOT be used directly on humans or animals.

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All of our products can only be used for research purposes. These vaccine ingredients CANNOT be used directly on humans or animals.

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