Seafood Allergy Vaccine Design Service

Allergen immunotherapy may be an effective option for patients with food allergy, and vaccines play an increasingly important role in the prevention and control of allergic diseases. Creative Biolabs is a world leader in the field of vaccine development. With our extensive experience and advanced platform, we are therefore confident in offering the best vaccine development services for allergic disease.

Background of Seafood Allergy

Vaccines for Seafood Allergy– Creative Biolabs

Seafood is composed of diverse groups of sea organisms which are mainly categorized as fish and shellfish. It is well known throughout the world that seafood (fish and shellfish) plays a very important role in human nutrition. However, the increasing production and consumption of seafood have been associated with increased adverse reactions that can be either immune-mediated allergic reactions or nonimmunologic adverse reactions. Fish and shellfish can trigger serious immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibody-mediated adverse reactions in sensitive individuals. The most frequent clinical manifestations of seafood allergy include oral allergy syndrome, urticaria/angioedema, gastrointestinal symptoms, and the most extreme form of reaction, which is life-threatening anaphylaxis. In addition to true seafood allergy, allergy-like symptoms have been associated with some non-IgE-mediated reactions such as histamine fish poisoning (HFP) and intolerance to histamine. There are multiple types of the allergens (see Table 1) in fish and shellfish that involved in seafood allergy. These allergens are high molecular weight proteins that are heat stable and not inactivated during cooking.

Table 1 Seafood Allergens.

Seafood Allergens
Parvalbumins (numerous)
Tropomyosins (numerous)
Arginine kinase
Myosin light chain
Sarcoplasmic binding protein

Vaccines for Fish Allergy

Globally, due to its nutritional value, the consumption of fish and its derivatives is increasing, leading to an increase in allergies to fish. Fish allergies are common, not only in Western civilization but also in Asian countries where children and adults have an allergic reaction to fish. The main clinical manifestations of allergic reactions to fish include vomiting and diarrhea, and the most serious reaction is life-threatening anaphylactic shock. A variety of fish allergens have been characterized, with parvalbumin being the major allergen fish allergen and 90% of fish allergic patients reacting to this protein. Currently, specific IgE epitopes of parvalbumin from Baltic cod (Gad c1), carp (Cyp c1), chub mackerel (Sco j1), and Atlantic salmon (Sal s 1) have been identified and used In the immunotherapy for fish allergy. For example, recombinant carp parvalbumin (Cyp c1) that contains IgE epitopes of saltwater and freshwater fish shows an average 1000-fold reduction in allergenic activity and retained immunogenicity in fish-allergic patients. Therefore, these recombinant parvalbumins can be used as a vaccine for fish allergy.

Vaccines for Shellfish Allergy

Shellfish are diverse, serve as main constituents of seafood, and are extensively consumed globally because of their nutritional values. Seafood-associated shellfish consists of crustaceans and mollusks and they cause allergic reactions ranging from mild local symptoms to severe systemic allergic reactions by ingestion, inhalation, or contact allergens. Tropomyosin is the major shellfish allergen and is responsible for cross-reactivity between members of the shellfish family, particularly within the crustacean family. Different tropomyosins have been identified in various shellfish species, including shrimp, crab, lobster, krill, squid, clam, oyster, and mussel. With regard to shellfish, mutant tropomyosin with decreased allergenic potential has been developed and used for the treatment of shellfish allergy. For example, mutant tropomyosin from crustaceans reduced allergic reactions and the reduced activation in the mouse model is evident. Moreover, immunization with hypoallergens of shrimp allergen tropomyosin inhibits shrimp tropomyosin-specific IgE reactivity. Therefore, vaccines based on tropomyosin open the possibility of novel therapeutic approaches for shellfish allergy.

Our Services for Vaccine of Seafood Allergy

Creative Biolabs has a variety of mature and comprehensive platforms and technologies for vaccine development, and we are committed to providing the best solutions and customized protocols for vaccine design and development for seafood allergy. We offer the following related services:

  • Identification of allergens epitope in seafood
  • Cloning, expression, purification, and sequencing of recombinant major allergens
  • Evaluation and data analysis of the immune effects of candidate vaccine
  • Provide specialized vaccine development designs and solutions based on customer needs

Creative Biolabs is a world leader in the field of vaccine development and has been dedicated to vaccine design services for many years. We have experienced experts and advanced platforms that are able to provide excellent vaccine design and development services for allergic disease. If you are interested in our services, please contact us for more details.

All of our products can only be used for research purposes. These vaccine ingredients CANNOT be used directly on humans or animals.

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All of our products can only be used for research purposes. These vaccine ingredients CANNOT be used directly on humans or animals.

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