Protein motions play several fundamental roles in protein function, from transmitting the flow of energy and allosteric signals to shuttling a protein via biased routes on the energy landscape for folding and catalysis. Creative Biolabs is dedicated to establishing the most exquisite service platform for our clients and our one-stop protein engineering services can provide comprehensive technical support for advancing our clients' projects. We provide a variety of protein motions analysis services to meet the diverse needs of our customers.
Protein motions, ranging from molecular flexibility to large-scale conformational change, play an essential role in many biochemical processes. Local conformational change often occurs in binding interactions between proteins and between proteins and ligands. Studies have shown that the same protein can exist in a variety of conformational states and can bind to structurally different molecules. The functional motions of protein play an important role in this process. Several computational approaches have been applied to study protein motions, including lattice models, energy minimization, molecular dynamics Monte Carlo methods. Among these computational methods, the motion planning problem is a core step. The motion planning problem is to find a valid path for a movable object from a start confirmation to a goal conformation.
The probabilistic roadmap method (PRM) has been highly successful in solving the motion planning problem for objects with many degrees of freedom. The basic idea is to model the protein molecule as an articulated linkage and to replace the typical collision detection validity check with some measure of the physical viability of the molecular conformation. PRMs work by first sampling random points in the movable object's conformation space (C-space). C-space is the set of all possible positions and orientations of the movable object, valid or not. Only those samples that meet certain feasibility requirements are retained. The samples are connected to form a graph by using some simple local planner to connect nearby points. This roadmap can then be used to find the motion between the different start and goal pairs. A major strength of PRMs is that they are simple to apply, only requiring the ability to randomly sample points in C-space and test them for feasibility.
Fig.1 Functional motions of the domain in protein.1
The description of the low-frequency domain motions in proteins is one of the important applications of computer simulation methods. Molecular dynamics and Monte Carlo methods provide a single, high-quality transition pathway, and each run is computationally intensive. Statistical mechanical models are computationally efficient and can study global averages of the energy landscape and kinetics. We can provide various protein motions analysis services, including lattice models, energy minimization, and molecular dynamics Monte Carlo methods, to meet customers' specific requirements.
Creative Biolabs has focused on the development of protein engineering for years, we whole-heartedly cooperate with you to accomplish our shared goals. Our team provides you with outstanding support and meets your specific needs with a professional technology platform. If you are interested in our services, please contact us for more details.
All listed services and products are For Research Use Only. Do Not use in any diagnostic or therapeutic applications.