
Formulation Science Background of Liposome Resources Technical Support

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As a leading service provider in the field of biological research and drug discovery, Creative Biolabs has effectively supported in lipid-based drug delivery (LDD) system for decades with a full range of formulation design, production services and related products. We combined the traditional and the most updated engineering technologies of delivery vehicles to improve the quality of drug production. Our drug delivery optimization strategies can provide you with the best advice and accelerate your drug development program.

Emulsion and Its Pharmaceutical Applications

Emulsions are heterogeneous systems composed of at least two immiscible liquids, water (W) and oil (O), one of which (the dispersed phase) is finely and uniformly dispersed as globules throughout the second phase (the continuous phase). In addition to the two basic types (O/W and W/O) of emulsions, a relatively complex emulsion, called multiple emulsions can also be formulated. Emulsions are generally well documented as carriers for hydrophilic and lipophilic drugs. O/W and W/O/W emulsions are generally employed for the intravenous route. Lipid-based emulsions are used for parenteral nutrition, intravenous drug administration and as oxygen carriers. The main advantage of using the topical emulsions is to avoid the GI environment and first pass metabolic effect. Moreover, emulsions are also available for oral route. They are mainly used for enteric nutrition or laxative preparations. In addition, emulsions may also be used, to stabilize hydrolytically susceptible drugs for sustained release, reduction of irritation or toxicity, possible targeted delivery of drugs to various organs and possibly enhanced pharmacological effect. In conclusion, emulsion-based drug delivery systems have certain advantages over other dosage forms and the drug solubilized may be more bioavailable.

Fig.1 Sketch of traditional emulsions and pickering emulsions. (Li, Wei, et al., 2022)Fig.1 Sketch of traditional emulsions and pickering emulsions.1,2

Emulsion Formulation Services in Creative Biolabs:

Dry emulsions are dry powder, lipid-based formulations from which an o/w-emulsion can be easily reconstituted in vivo or when exposed to water. They are physically and microbiologically stable formulations which represent a potential oral drug delivery system for lipophilic and low soluble drug substances. Dry emulsions can be used for drug delivery to improve the bioavailability and dissolution of drugs.

Microemulsions are isotropic mixtures of oil, water and surfactant often with co-surfactant. They can be classified as o/w, w/o or bicontinuous systems depending on their structure and they are characterized by ultra-low interfacial tension between oil and water phases. Microemulsions have been shown that they can be formed spontaneously and are thermodynamically stable. Their abilities to improve drug solubilization and bioavailability make the potential drug delivery systems by integrating a wide range of drug molecules.

SEDDs have received a lot of attention for their ability to increase solubility and bioavailability of poorly soluble drugs. The structure of SEEDs is a mixture of oils, surfactants, ideally isotropic, and sometimes including cosolvents, which emulsifies under conditions of gentle agitation, similar to those which would be encountered in the GI tract. The most typical feature of SEDDs is their ability to form fine o/w emulsions upon mild agitation following dilution by an aqueous phase. These systems may be a promising strategy to improve the rate and the extent of oral absorption.

Nanoemulsions are biphasic dispersion of two immiscible liquids: either W/O or O/W droplets stabilized by an amphiphilic surfactant. These come across as ultrafine dispersions whose differential drug loading and viscoelastic visual properties can cater to a wide range of functionalities including drug delivery. Nanoemulsions are being increasingly utilized as drug delivery systems for the effective administration of pharmaceuticals because of their potential advantages over other approaches. They can be used to design delivery systems that have increased drug loading, enhanced drug solubility, increased bioavailability, controlled drug release, and enhanced protection against chemical or enzymatic degradation.

Fig.2 Diagrammatic representations of emulsion system. (Creative Biolabs Original)Fig.2 Diagrammatic representations of emulsion system.

The solid particles in the colloidal size may be used as emulsion stabilizers. Such particles are known as solids-stabilized emulsion, called Pickering emulsion. It is a kind of emulsion stabilized only by solid particles locating at oil-water interface, which has been discovered a century ago, and extensively studied in recent decades. Pickering emulsions are recently employed in many areas like cosmetics, food, pharmaceuticals, oil recovery and waste water treatment. Substituting solid particles for traditional surfactants, pickering emulsions are more stable than coalescence and can obtain many useful properties. They have been widely investigated in pharmaceutical and cosmetic fields since they show less adverse effects than the classical emulsions that are stabilized by surfactants.

At Creative Biolabs, a wide spectrum of LDD formulation services is available for your choice. Aided by our well-established platforms and experienced scientists, we can tailor a one-stop solution to meet your needs with the best quality and most competitive price. If you are interested in our services, please contact us for more details. In addition, the basics of emulsions are definitely succeeding and the proficient development and production of excellence pharmaceutical emulsions depends on their basic knowledge of physicochemical properties and stability. Therefore, the information of LDD formulation, developments, science and applications can also be obtained in our website.


  1. Li, Wei, et al. "Recent advances on pickering emulsions stabilized by diverse edible particles: Stability mechanism and applications." Frontiers in nutrition 9 (2022): 864943.
  2. under Open Access license CC BY 4.0, without modification.
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