Adenovirus Type 4 and Type 7 Vaccines
Creative Biolabs is a professional vaccine development expert with extensive experience in vaccine design, immunogenicity evaluation, safety evaluation, and production process optimization. We have won a good reputation among our worldwide customers for successfully accomplishing numerous challenging projects in viral vaccine development services for adenovirus type 4 and type 7. We guarantee the finest results for our customers all over the world.
Adenovirus is an icosahedral DNA virus with no envelope and about 60-90nm in diameter. The capsid is made of 252 capsomeres (240 hexons making up the faces and 12 pentons occupying the vertices). Each pentagonal vertex has a sharp thorn. The genome is made up of linear double-stranded DNA, the basic protein binds together to condenses the DNA used for packaging. Adenovirus type 4 and type 7 can infect a range of mammalian cells, whose recombinant proteins can be expressed in most mammalian cells and tissues. In particular, adenovirus type 4 and type 7 are epithelial, which is the source of most human tumors. In addition, both the copy genes and the disease-causing genes of the adenovirus are well known. In humans, adenoviruses mainly cause upper respiratory tract infections, including the common cold and bronchitis.
Fig.1 Adenovirus construction and virus packaging.
The Adenovirus Type 4 and Type 7 Live Vaccine
The adenovirus type 4 and type 7 are one of the threats of infectious respiratory diseases to military trainees housed and trained in close quarters and stressed by the rigors of basic training. These diseases are normally caused great loss in military manpower, large costs for medical care, and serious disruption of the troop training program. The adenovirus type 4 and type 7 live vaccines are approved to prevent febrile acute respiratory diseases (ARD).

The Recombination Adenovirus Type 4 and Type 7 Vaccine
Adenovirus type 4 and type 7 are promising candidates for infectious disease and cancer vaccines designed to elicit T-cell activation and cellular immune responses. Recombinant human type 4 and type 7 vaccines have been attributed to the presence of neutralizing antibodies. These vaccines have shown wide host ranges, lower toxicity, high safety and high gene capacity in disease prevention.
Our Services for Adenovirus Type 4 and Type 7 Vaccine
With a variety of mature and comprehensive platforms and technologies for the evaluation and improvement of vaccine development, our platforms are dedicated to providing the best solutions and protocols customized to viral vaccines development for adenovirus type 4 and type 7.
- Fully integrated viral vaccine services
- Cost-effective vaccine development manner
- Well-established vaccine developing platform
Creative Biolabs is a leader in the field of vaccine development and has focused on the viral vaccine development services for years. We have experienced experts and advanced platforms that are able to provide excellent services. If you are interested in our services, please contact us for more details.
All of our products can only be used for research purposes. These vaccine ingredients CANNOT be used directly on humans or animals.