Calicivirus Vaccines

Creative Biolabs is a world leader in the field of viral vaccine development. With our extensive experience and advanced platform, we are therefore confident in offering the best vaccine development services for Calicivirus. We guarantee the finest results for our customers all over the world.

Caliciviridae is a family of viruses, members of Class IV of the Baltimore scheme. They are positive-sense and single stranded RNA, which is non-segmented. There are currently seven species in this family, divided among 5 genera. Caliciviruses are not very well studied for the reason that until recently they couldn’t be grown in culture, and there is no suitable animal model as well. However, the recent application of modern genomic technology has led to an increased understanding of the virus family. A recent isolate from rhesus monkeys, Tulane virus, can be grown in culture and this system promises to increase the level of our understanding of these viruses.

Epidemiology of Calicivirus Infection

Epidemic gastroenteritis produced by Caliciviruses is relatively mild. There is likely to be a large number of inapparent infections in early childhood, as it has been shown that 50% of 3-year-old children in the UK already have NV-specific antibodies, a number that increases to 80% in early adulthood. In other countries, NV-specific antibodies are produced after primary infection even earlier (China) or later (Japan) in life. In general, children appear to be infected with Caliciviruses much more frequently than was previously recognized. Worldwide, outbreaks occur year-round, and nosocomial infections with Caliciviruses are common. The viruses are highly infectious and have been found to spread rapidly in volunteer studies. The primary and secondary attack rates are high (above 50%). Transmission is by the faecal–oral route and by projectile vomiting producing an aerosol which scatters these viruses in the environment. Viral shedding does not normally persist beyond 100h after the initial infection but can be prolonged for up to 2 weeks. Shedding has also been observed in volunteers who remained well.

Diseases Caused by Calicivirus Infection

In human, Calicivirus infections commonly cause acute gastroenteritis, which is the inflammation of the stomach and intestines. Symptoms can include vomiting and diarrhea. These symptoms emerge after an incubation time of 2 days and the symptoms only last for 3 days generally. Most Calicivirus infections do not call for medical attention, but those who are immunocompromised may need to be hospitalized for rehydration therapy. Feline Calicivirus (FCV) represents an important pathogen of cats. Ileum biopsies from ill volunteers showed that a symptomatic illness correlated with broadening and blunting of intestinal villi, crypt hyperplasia, cytoplasmic vacuolisation and lymphocytic infiltration of the lamina propria. Small intestinal brush border enzymes are decreased, and malabsorption and diarrhoea with abdominal cramps, nausea and vomiting result.

Phylogenetic relationships in the family Caliciviridae.

Fig.1 Phylogenetic relationships in the family Caliciviridae.

The Development of Calicivirus Vaccines

As an RNA virus, this background of strain variability and adaptability poses a considerable challenge to the design of vaccines against feline calicivirus. Creative Biolabs is developing several different types of FCV vaccine, either modified live or inactivated adjuvanted. Live intranasal vaccines are also available in Creative Biolabs. Most vaccines are suitable for routine vaccination programs and, in previously unexposed cats, most induce protection against clinical disease.

Key areas for future feline calicivirus vaccine development include monitoring and broadening the cross-reactivity of vaccine immunity to field viruses, especially the recently evolved highly virulent strains, and attempting to reduce or eliminate field virus shedding by vaccinated cats.

Creative Biolabs is pleased to share our cutting-edge technology and extensive expertise in the field of Calicivirus vaccines development and has focused on the viral vaccines for years. We can offer high-quality customized services by adjusting protocols to meet even the most specific requirements. If you are interested in our services, please contact us for more details.


  1. Rockx B. (2002). “Natural history of human calicivirus infection: a prospective cohort study”. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 35(3), 246-253.

All of our products can only be used for research purposes. These vaccine ingredients CANNOT be used directly on humans or animals.

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