GTOnco™ Cytokine Response Assay

GTOnco™ Cytokine Response Assay

Cytokines are low-molecular-weight proteins that can be secreted by immune cells in response to pathogens. Cytokines are critical mediators of communication for the immune system and act on their target cells to induce systemic and/or localized immune responses. Creative Biolabs is a professional service provider in the field of gene therapy-based I-O drugs development and analysis. We offer multiple cytokine response assays to help our clients assess the function of immune cells. The evaluation of cytokines releasing ability, the types and quantity of cytokines secreted by those immune cells is available at GTOnco™ platform.

Generally, the peptide antigens presented by antigen-presenting cells (APCs) can be recognized by T-cell receptors (TCRs). This recognition induces the activation of T-cells and a series of functional immune responses, specifically the cytokine production. The ability of cytokines releasing is an important parameter to evaluate the function as well as the efficiency of gene therapy-based I-O drugs, such as the modified T cells transfer. A reasonable range of cytokine release level is able to just activate T cells but not cause cytokine storm. GTOnco™ platform provides high-quality standard methods for our clients to measure the effector cytokines responses, such as enzyme-linked immunospot assay (ELISpot) and intracellular cytokine staining assay (ICS) to detect the secretion of Interferon gamma (IFNγ), Interleukin-2 (IL-2) and other cytokines. Based on the requirements of your projects, we will design the most appropriate method to analyze the released cytokines in your I-O drug development.

Features of Our Cytokine Response Assay at GTOnco™ Platform

  • Helping predict the cytokine releasing induced by I-O drugs in safety studies.
  • Using appropriately designed studies to assess cytokine releasing with immunogenicity assays in response to I-O drugs.
  • Accommodating the measurement of any type of cytokines that you may be interested in.
  • Comprehensive analysis reports with accurate assay data and other information required.

Creative Biolabs is committed to offering top-quality cytokine response assay to accelerate customer's gene therapy-based I-O drugs development. Multiple analysis technology, instruments and various commercial ELISA assay kits are available at GTOnco™ platform. Please contact us to discuss your demands or to request a proposal.


  1. Guidance for Industry Immunogenicity Assessment for Therapeutic Protein Products. (2013). FDA DRAFT GUIDANCE, Clinical & Medical.
For research use only. Not intended for any clinical use.