
Hybridoma Rescue Services

Overview Service Importance Published Data Features

Many hybridoma researchers have lost an important hybridoma cell line because of instability, mechanical breakdown of a freezer, or contamination. Hybridoma rescue has become a great challenge worldwide. Creative Biolabs possesses diverse flexible, interactive, and cost-effective hybridoma development systems. We now have the capability and technology platforms to offer you diverse hybridoma rescue services.

Overview of Hybridoma Rescue

Hybridoma rescue is a process aimed at recovering valuable monoclonal antibody (mAb)-producing hybridoma cells from frozen or archived stocks. Reinitiating a hybridoma culture from a frozen stock occasionally results in only a small number of viable hybridoma cells. Typically, this is caused by low viability of the hybridoma cells at the time of freezing, poor freezing technique, or improper maintenance of frozen cell stocks. Hybridoma rescue is significant for reviving mAb production lines that may have become dormant or lost over time.

Hybridoma Rescue Services

Using proprietary technology/medium developed by us, Creative Biolabs is an expert in rescuing hybridomas where only a few cells were viable. Cells are expanded and vials are frozen back. Creative Biolabs provides the following rescue services:

Cell lines from different sources, and different clones of the same cell line, may have highly specific nutritional requirements and may therefore prefer one medium over another. The use of serum-free medium is now common practice. Protein-free defined media guarantee easy purification and beneficial stability for tracing the antibody product. Our innovative serum-free medium formulation and cell culture process scale-up expertise allow us to provide cost-effective services for hybridoma suspension domestication.

Have you observed that the level of antibodies produced by hybridomas has steadily decreased over time? This could be caused by mainly two reasons. Some cells in the population have become non-producers. Since non-producer cells have a growth advantage over cells that actively produce antibodies, the proportion of non-producer cells will increase as the number of passages increases. On the other hand, the cell line is not monoclonal. In many cases, this is difficult to determine, but if you think this is a possibility, you can isolate the correct clone from the cell stock by further subcloning

Multiple rounds of FACS enrichment will be carried out and the top antibody-producing cells are expanded and frozen.

Our hybridoma optimization services can establish new clones that are selected for optimal growth and maximum antibody productivity.

Immortality of hybridoma cell lines is a property of myeloma cells that are fused to antibody-specific B cells. If your hybridoma no longer grows well, that might be a symptom of instability, and re-fusing a hybridoma to new myeloma cells can help. scientists at Creative Biolabs will re-fuse hybridomas to different myeloma cell lines and establish new monoclonal cell lines according to established protocols.

Importance of Hybridoma Rescue

By rescuing mAb-producing hybridomas, researchers can continue to access and utilize antibodies with specific binding properties, enabling further investigation into disease mechanisms, therapeutic targets, and diagnostic applications. The importance of hybridoma rescue also lies in its ability to safeguard intellectual property, ensure the reproducibility of experimental results, and sustain ongoing research projects. Moreover, it offers a cost-effective alternative to re-establishing mAb production from scratch, saving time and resources, and reducing potential experimental variability. Overall, hybridoma rescue serves as a vital tool in maintaining the continuity and progress of antibody-based research and development initiatives.

Published Data

Specific hybridoma cell sorting strategy.Fig.1 Comparison of three different sorting options for selecting specific hybridoma cells.1

The pivotal challenge in developing antigen-specific hybridomas lies in the absence of a direct link between the hybridoma cell and the antibody it produces. Consequently, it becomes imperative to employ limited dilution techniques to isolate individual cells, thereby guaranteeing monoclonality. In this article, the researchers examined three distinct methods for selecting specific hybridoma cells. They conducted an ovalbumin-specific fusion and, two weeks post-fusion, incorporated both isotype-specific and antigen-specific sorting techniques. Notably, the positively sorted cells from both procedures were plated individually in a 96-well plate and subsequently tested using ELISA. The presence of an ovalbumin-specific signal in each well indicated the successful outgrowth of the sorted hybridoma cells.

Features of Our Services

Fig.1 Hybridoma Rescue Services at Creative Biolabs. (

Creative Biolabs specializes in high-quality monoclonal antibodies, particularly those which are difficult to produce. Our two main foci are perfect screening methodologies and excellent hybridoma rescue services, producing high-quality hybridoma cell lines. We also offer multiple additional services for your special needs. If you are interested in our services, please feel free to contact us for more information.

  1. Listek, Martin, et al. "A novel selection strategy for antibody producing hybridoma cells based on a new transgenic fusion cell line." Scientific Reports 10.1 (2020): 1-12. Distributed under Open Access license CC BY 4.0, without modification.

All listed services and products are For Research Use Only. Do Not use in any diagnostic or therapeutic applications.

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