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Melanogenesis Pathway Assay

Creative Biolabs is pleased to introduce our iPSC-facilitated melanogenesis pathway assay service to our global customers, to advance your projects on pigmentation.


Melanin is a dark pigment produced by melanocytes through melanogenesis, serving as the principal factor for skin color. Melanogenesis is a complex process composed of several stages. When melanogenesis is disturbed with or without a change in melanocyte numbers, it might result in different types of pigmentation disorders, including hypo or hyperpigmentation.

Fig.1 A model of melanogenesis pathways. (Slominski, et al., 2022)Fig.1 Complex interactions between melanogenesis, glucose metabolism, and HIF-1-dependent pathways.1

Melanogenesis in Pigmentation

Induced by melanin, pigmentation represents a most unique trait of humans and its fluctuation caused by pathological conditions has significant impacts on individual health, and even social relationships.

Intervening at different stages of melanogenesis has been considered a potential means of controlling pigmentation and has attracted much attention as a research target in the past years, especially in the fields of dermatological and cosmetic. Investigating the signaling cascade of melanogenesis by performing melanogenesis pathway assays is a promising way to further explore the mechanism of pigmentation and gain more in-depth knowledge for biological and clinical purposes.

IPSC-Facilitated Melanogenesis Pathway Assay Service

Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) are a promising source of melanocytes as they propagate indefinitely and can be established by design, providing an alternative strategy of personalized cellular therapy for depigmentation. At Creative Biolabs, we provide a one-stop iPSC-facilitated melanogenesis pathway assay service here, including meticulous experiment design, standardized operation, reliable data analysis, and detailed reports, to assist you in your exploration of melanogenesis pathway.

Workflow of Melanogenesis Pathway Assay

Fig.2 Workflow of melanogenesis pathway assay. (Creative Biolabs Original)

Creative Biolabs is dedicated to providing iPSC-facilitated melanogenesis pathway assay services and related customized services for our global clients to aid in your projects on pigmentation. Equipped with novel technical platforms and a trustworthy team of scientists, we are proud to offer our reliable and rigorous test services along with specially designed experimental schemes and detailed data reports. If you have any needs regarding our services, please feel free to contact us at any time.


  1. Slominski, Radomir M., et al. "Melanoma, melanin, and melanogenesis: The Yin and Yang relationship." Frontiers in Oncology 12 (2022): 842496.

For Research Use Only. Not For Clinical Use.