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PMEL17 Expression Assay

PMEL17 (Melanocyte protein PMEL) has been investigated for its possible relevance to the function of the pigment epithelium, which is necessary to maintain retinal function. Creative Biolabs provides a PMEL17 expression measurement service in iPSC-facilitated discovery for age-related macular degeneration (AMD), enabling researchers to better understand the role of PMEL17 in AMD pathogenesis.


PMEL17, also known as Melanocyte protein PMEL or GP100, plays a critical role in melanosome biogenesis and is associated with the development and progression of AMD. Detecting the expression levels of PMEL17 in iPSC-derived retinal cells can provide valuable insights into the mechanisms underlying AMD and help identify novel biomarkers or therapeutic targets. Our PMEL17 expression assay can be utilized in:

  • Quantification of PMEL17 expression: Measure the levels of PMEL17 in iPSC-derived retinal cells to assess its role in AMD pathogenesis and screen for promising drugs.
  • Correlation with disease intervention: Analyzing the relationship between PMEL17 expression levels and AMD severity after drug intervention can help identify feasible drug and prognostic strategies.
  • Personalized medicine: Investigate individual variations in PMEL17 expression among AMD patients to tailor personalized dosing strategies.


Our streamlined workflow ensures accurate and reliable detection of PMEL17 expression in iPSC-derived cells for AMD drug discovery:

  1. Sample preparation: Receive iPSC-derived AMD samples from clients or assist in generating these AMD model samples through our iPSC-facilitated drug discovery platform.
  2. Isolation and purification of the material to be assayed: e.g., extract RNA for qPCR, prepare immunofluorescence samples against PMEL17, or collect of AMD protein samples for western blotting.
  3. Sample measurement: Detect PMEL17 expression according to the strategy agreed upon with clients.
  4. Data analysis and reporting: Analyze results to determine PMEL17 expression levels relative to controls and provide comprehensive reports with detailed findings.

Fig.1 Flow cytometry results of PMEL17. (Limnios, et al., 2021)Fig.1 Flow cytometric analysis of PMEL17 expression is performed to assess the ability of PSC to maintain RPE markers after prolonged amplification.1

What PMEL17 Expression Assay Can Deliver

  • PMEL17 Expression Analysis Report: A detailed report outlining the expression levels and patterns of PMEL17.
  • Data Interpretation and Consultation: Expert interpretation of the results and consultation to guide your therapy development efforts.
  • Quality Assurance: High-quality, reliable data generated using state-of-the-art techniques and methodologies.


1. What is PMEL17 and why is it important in AMD research?

PMEL17 is a protein involved in the formation of melanosomes, which are pigment-producing organelles in the retinal pigment epithelium. Alterations in PMEL17 expression have been associated with AMD, making it a crucial target for research and drug discovery.

2. How do you detect PMEL17 expression?

We employ advanced molecular biology techniques, such as qRT-PCR and Western blotting, to quantify and analyze PMEL17 expression levels.

Creative Biolabs is pleased to offer a specialized PMEL17 expression assay to accelerate drug discovery for AMD. By iPSCs, our service aims to provide valuable insights into the expression levels and patterns of PMEL17, a key protein associated with AMD. Please contact us to streamline your research process.


  1. Limnios, Ioannis J., et al. "Efficient differentiation of human embryonic stem cells to retinal pigment epithelium under defined conditions." Stem cell research & therapy 12 (2021): 1-14.

For Research Use Only. Not For Clinical Use.