Fluorescent molecules, also called fluorophores, respond distinctly to light compared to other molecules. The use of fluorescent molecules in biological research is the standard in lots of applications, and their use is continually improving due to their versatility, sensitivity and quantitative capabilities. Fluorescent probes have been employed to detect protein location and activation, identify protein complex formation and conformational changes and monitor biological processes in vivo. Creative Biolabs provides several fluorophores modification services to customers around the world. Our staff is pleased to provide high-quality synthesis services of oligonucleotide modified by fluorophores to meet your specific requirements and expectations.
An Overview
Fluorophores are able to absorb and emit light within a range of wavelengths, normally referred to as the absorbance (excitation) and emission spectra. And they only fluoresce when they are illuminated with light of the corresponding wavelength. Fluorophores are categorized as organic, synthetic oligomer, protein, or multi-component system. Fluorophores are characterized based on their absorption and fluorescence properties, including the spectral profiles, wavelengths of maximum absorbance and emission, and the fluorescence intensity of the emitted light.
Prior to selecting a label, it is important to define the type of experiment to be performed. Ideally, a fluorescent label should be small, bright, and stable, without any perturbation to the biological system. Furthermore, the label should be specific without the tendency to oligomerize and with the possibility to label multiple proteins at the same time.
Fluorophores for Drug Discovery and Development
The uses of fluorophores for drug discovery and development mainly rely on fluorescent techniques. During the last decade, fluorescent techniques become a reliable tool for pharmacological research as well. They provide novel insights into compound-related responses in drug discovery. From drug candidate screening to the clinical trial, fluorescent molecules are essential tools to contribute novel therapeutic compounds development. Researchers have utilized a wide range of fluorescent proteins or probes to study diverse biological processes within cells to discover new targets.
Creative Biolabs can offer three general fluorophores for high-quality synthesis services of oligonucleotide modified by fluorophores. There are organic dyes, biological fluorophores, and quantum dots. Technologies via fluorophores that we are able to provide for customers include:
- Protein labeling with a fluorescent protein
- In vivo fluorescent labeling and testing
- Fluorescent imaging technology for drug discovery
- Fluorescent labeled high throughput screening assay
- Fluorescent labeled DNA-drug interaction study
- Protein-drug interaction study using fluorescent resonance energy transfer (FRET)
Creative Biolabs provides a range of synthesis services of oligonucleotide modified by fluorophores for customers. It is crucial to select appropriate fluorophores based on specific experiments. Creative Biolabs will also continue to adapt and advance technologies and experienced staff to ensure success. For more information on our services, please feel free to contact us to discuss your specific requirements.