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Lipid Droplet Maturation (PLIN2) Assay

As a company with innovative services, Creative Biolabs launches high-quality induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC)-derived sebocytes and lipid droplet maturation assay services to help you develop targeted treatments for acne and hyper/hyposeborrhea.

Lipid Droplet Maturation Assay Based on iPSC-Derived Sebocyte Model

Lipid droplets are dynamic organelles present in many cell types that act as crucial reservoirs for neutral lipids including cholesterol esters and triglycerides. They are essential for lipid metabolism, energy storage, and cellular homeostasis. Lipid droplets originate from the endoplasmic reticulum and undergo a maturation process involving lipid synthesis, protein coating, and fusion events. Lipid droplets contain lipid droplet proteins, the most numerous of which are perilipins (PLINs), encoded by five distinct genes, PLIN1 through PLIN5. Perilipin 2 (PLIN2), a key protein associated with lipid droplets, is involved in stabilizing lipid droplets and facilitating the recruitment of lipids to these structures during lipid storage. Its interactions with other proteins and lipids contribute to lipid droplet maturation and dynamics, influencing cellular lipid metabolism and homeostasis.

Fig.1 The formation of lipid droplets. (Herrera-Moro, et al., 2023)Fig.1 Biogenesis of lipid droplets.1

Possessing all the key functional characteristics of normal human sebocytes, iPSC-derived sebocytes serve as a valuable model for studying lipid droplet maturation to investigate the process of lipid droplet formation and dynamics within sebocytes. Below are the general steps to perform a lipid droplet maturation assay (detection of PLIN2 expression) using iPSC-derived sebocytes.

1) Sebocyte Differentiation: iPSCs are differentiated into sebocytes using appropriate growth factors and culture conditions.

2) Maturation Induction: The sebocytes are induced to mature, allowing the formation and development of lipid droplets within the cells.

3) Drug Treatment: Sebocytes are exposed to various drug candidates or compounds of interest.

4) Detection of PLIN2 Expression: Expression of PLIN2 within the lipid droplets is detected using qPCR, Western blot, or immunofluorescence staining.

5) Quantification and Analysis: Quantitative analysis of PLIN2 expression and lipid droplet characteristics is performed to assess the impact of the drug candidates on PLIN2 expression and lipid droplet maturation.

Lipid Droplet Maturation Assay for Acne and Hyper/Hyposeborrhea

Lipid droplet maturation plays a crucial role in acne development, as abnormal sebum production and accumulation within lipid droplets can contribute to pore blockages and inflammation. Hyperseborrhea can exacerbate acne, while hyposeborrhea may lead to skin dryness and potential barrier dysfunction. So, the lipid droplet maturation assay based on iPSC-derived sebocyte model holds significant promise for drug development targeting acne and hyper/hyposeborrhea. This assay can help screen potential compounds to modulate sebocyte lipid droplet dynamics, offering insights into treatments for acne by regulating sebum production. Furthermore, understanding how lipid droplet maturation affects hyper/hyposeborrhea can lead to novel interventions for balancing sebum secretion, addressing both excessive oiliness and dryness in the skin.

Creative Biolabs possesses a complete platform and professional team to provide customers with a wide range of stem cell therapy development and research services in any treatment field. We are trusted for assay research on disease-based IPSC-derived models. Feel free to contact us for more details.


  1. Herrera-Moro Huitron, Luis, et al. "Multifaceted Nature of Lipid Droplets in Viral Interactions and Pathogenesis." Microorganisms 11.7 (2023): 1851.

For Research Use Only. Not For Clinical Use.