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PPAR Stimulation by Arachidonic Acid

With rich experience and innovative development, Creative Biolabs provides induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC)-derived human sebocytes for PPAR (peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor) stimulation assay by arachidonic acid to help you perform functional analysis of drug candidates, thereby paving the way for the development of breakthrough medicines for acne and sebum-related diseases.

PPAR Stimulation Assay by Arachidonic Acid

Arachidonic acid (AA) is a polyunsaturated omega-6 fatty acid found in cell membranes and is a precursor to bioactive lipid mediators like prostaglandins and leukotrienes. It plays crucial roles in inflammation, immune response, and cell signaling pathways.

Arachidonic acid can stimulate PPARs, particularly PPARγ, by acting as an endogenous ligand. Upon binding, PPARγ forms a heterodimer with retinoid X receptor and translocates to the nucleus, where it binds to particular DNA regions. This complex regulates the expression of target genes involved in adipogenesis, lipid metabolism, and inflammation. Eicosanoid metabolites from the AA cascade have been found to stimulate sebogenesis via PPAR signaling, as well as inflammatory reactions in the sebaceous glands.

Fig.1 The inflammatory pathway of arachidonic acid. (Zouboulis, et al., 2022)Fig.1 The arachidonic acid inflammatory pathway in the sebaceous gland.1

With all the key functional characteristics of normal human sebocytes, iPSC-derived sebocytes are an accessible and faithful in vitro model that can be used to study a variety of skin physiologies. The PPAR stimulation assay using arachidonic acid can be performed in an iPSC-derived sebocyte model. Several key steps involved are as follows.

Fig.2 Key steps of PPAR stimulation assay based on iPSC-derived sebocyte model. (Creative Biolabs Original)

PPAR Stimulation Assay by Arachidonic Acid for Acne and Hyper/Hyposeborrhea

Acne is often associated with excess sebum production and inflammation. Therefore, abnormal activation of PPAR plays a key role in acne pathogenesis. By measuring iPSC-derived PPAR responses upon arachidonic acid stimulation, drug candidates with potential therapeutic effects can be screened. Similarly, in conditions characterized by hyperseborrhea or hyposeborrhea, insights gained from this assay can provide a foundation for the discovery of compounds that target PPAR-mediated pathways to restore sebum balance, offering potential solutions for managing these dermatological disorders through pharmacological interventions. In addition, in vitro experiments using iPSC-derived sebocytes can make up for the shortcomings of animal experiments in traditional drug development and provide more basis for drug safety assessment.

Creative Biolabs is a trusted provider of iPSC-derived cell models and provides customized services for various tests and analyses of iPSC-based cell models. If you are interested in our services, please contact us and our experts will provide you with comprehensive answers.


  1. Zouboulis, Christos C., et al. "Sebaceous immunobiology-skin homeostasis, pathophysiology, coordination of innate immunity and inflammatory response and disease associations." Frontiers in Immunology 13 (2022): 1029818.

For Research Use Only. Not For Clinical Use.