Vaccines for Virus from Paramyxoviridae Family
Emerging viral diseases have a great impact on community health, public safety, and health issues in recent years. In addition to strengthening health management practices, vaccination has been considered an effective and affordable option to control several diseases. Creative Biolabs has advanced virus vaccine technology and offers a wide range of vaccines to meet the needs of our customers.

Virus from Paramyxoviridae Family
The Paramyxoviridae family contains many viruses whose viral particles are polymorphic, with a lipid envelope, non-segmented RNA genome, and a dense glycoprotein on the surface of the virion. The Paramyxoviridae form an increasingly diverse family of old and emerging viruses responsible for a wide range of animal and human diseases, including the causative agents of mumps, measles and several respiratory tract infections due to respiratory syncytial virus, as well as pathogens responsible for some of the deadliest emerging zoonoses, such as Hendra and Nipah viruses.
Vaccines for Nipah Virus
Nipa virus (NiV) is a recently emerged highly pathogenic paramyxovirus of the genus Henipavirus. NiV infection can cause severe, rapidly progressing encephalitis in humans and animals, with severe respiratory involvement in many cases. NiV is an emerging virus, and NiV research also requires high-capacity facilities; therefore, data on viral replication, transcription, translation, and other mechanisms are limited. To date, there are no approved prophylactic options or treatment for NiV infection. Several NiV animal challenge models have been developed that promote understanding of the pathogenesis and allow for the successful development of active and passive immune strategies.
Vaccines for Hendra Virus
Hendra virus (HeV), first appearance in Australia in 1994, is an emerging zoonotic pathogen that causes severe respiratory diseases and encephalitis in humans and horses. The high mortality rates of humans and horses and the widespread reservoir distribution make HeV a serious public health problem, especially for people exposed to sick horses. HeV is transmitted to horses by pteropid fruit bats, commonly known as flying foxes, with human infection occurring by close contact with infected horses. Most HeV vaccines currently target horses, which block the transmission of horses to humans, so human HeV infections can be prevented very quickly.
Vaccines for Newcastle Disease Virus
Newcastle disease (ND) has been a serious problem in the poultry industry, mainly due to its worldwide distribution and serious economic losses. The disease caused by the ND virus which causes a high proportion of mortalities in the susceptible chickens. Many efforts have been performed through vaccination programs, hygienic measures, and medications to minimize the disease-related losses. The main method to control the outbreak of ND in local chicken breeds is to use an effective vaccination program. The best ND vaccine enhances the immune response, minimizes or completely prohibit the clinical signs and deaths of ND, and reduces the rate at which ND viruses enter the environment.
Vaccines for Mump Virus
Mumps is characterized by an inflammation of the salivary glands, resulting in painful swelling of one or both parotid glands. Complicated courses may result in meningitis, encephalitis, pancreatitis, and hearing defects. Female patients may also develop oophoritis, while male patients can develop orchitis. Previous studies have described attenuated mumps vaccines using the available strains such as Jeryl-Lynn strain (A genotype) as early as the 1960s is immunogenic and safe. Vaccination against mumps virus is routinely performed in more than 120 countries and significantly reduces the incidence of mumps, so vaccines play a crucial role in the prevention and management of mumps.
Vaccines for Rinderpest Virus
Rinderpest is a viral disease that has a devastating effect on domestic cattle and buffalo herds as well as many wild ruminant species. As a result of a major eradication effort during the past decades based on vaccination and surveillance, all natural transmission of infection has been eliminated. Despite this, the rinderpest virus stock still exists and there remains a risk of rinderpest re-introduction. The routes` leading to the reintroduction of rinderpest include the deliberate or accidental use of the virus in the laboratory, exposure to environmental sources of the virus, and use of the virus for anti-animal biological warfare. To reduce the risk of re-introduction of calves, it is important to implement appropriate preventive measures.
Vaccines for Peste des Petits Ruminants Virus
Peste des Petits Ruminants virus (PPRV), belonging to a paramyxovirus of the genus Morbillivirus, causes an economically important disease that limits the productivity of small domestic ruminants and often affects the livestock of the poorest populations in developing countries. Animals that survive from PPRV produce strong cellular and humoral responses that may protect animals from PPRV challenge. Therefore, vaccination aims to mimic these natural responses and plays a crucial role in the eradication of PPR.
Vaccines for Canine Distemper Virus
Canine distemper virus (CDV) can cause highly contagious viral disease in domestic. The clinical symptoms of canine distemper include mainly rash, conjunctivitis, fever, respiratory distress, and occasionally acute death in animals. CDV is primarily transmitted by atomization of respiratory exudate containing the virus. Other body secretions may be contagious, and if atomized, they can also be transmitted through the fecal material during certain periods of the infection. Currently, attenuated vaccines, whose viruses can be released into the environment, have the risk of restoring virulence to wild animals and/or other unvaccinated species. The virus is considered infectious in carnivorous and/or non-carnivorous sensitive species. Therefore, there is a need to urgently develop new vector vaccines to prevent the spread of the virus.
Vaccines for Measles Virus
Measles, also called rubeola, is one of the most contagious disease caused by the measles virus (MeV). The MeV affects a person’s immune system, making them more vulnerable to other infections. Vaccination against the measles could result in a 75% decrease in deaths from measles. We have experts who are able to help you with the vaccine development against measles.
Vaccines for Bovine Respiratory Syncytial Virus
Bovine respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV) is a common RNA virus in the paramyxovirus family which is a cause of respiratory disease in cattle worldwide and has an economic impact on beef and dairy producers. BRSV can cause pneumonia that do not respond to antibiotics or produce lots of fluids and frothing. Scientists of Creative Biolabs are committed to developing new vaccines to provide protection against BRSV.
Vaccines for Human Respiratory Syncytial Virus
Human respiratory syncytial virus (HRSV) is a single-stranded RNA enveloped virus from paramyxovirus family which it is related to human metapneumovirus. The virus is a syncytial virus and is the major cause of acute lower respiratory tract infections worldwide in infants and children younger than 2 years, leading to severe viral bronchiolitis associated with the subsequent development of recurrent wheezing and requiring hospitalization.
Vaccines for Turkey Rhinotracheitis Virus
Turkey rhinotracheitis (TRT) virus, also called avian metapneumovirus (aMPV), infects primarily turkeys and, to a lesser extent, chickens which causes an acute highly contagious upper respiratory tract. Infection with TRT can cause significant economic losses in turkey and chicken flocks, particularly when exacerbated by secondary pathogens.
Vaccines for Human Metapneumovirus
Human metapneumovirus (hMPV) is a common cause of lower respiratory tract infections in young children, immunocompromised patients and the elderly. Repeated infections often occur, which indicates a heavy medical burden.
Creative Biolabs has been developing new vaccines for many years, providing customers worldwide with a wide range of vaccines for the prevention and control of viral diseases. If you need any help, please feel free to contact us.
All of our products can only be used for research purposes. These vaccine ingredients CANNOT be used directly on humans or animals.