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Plant Cell Wall Composition Analysis Service

Analysis of Various Components of Plant Cell Walls at Creative Biolabs

The plant cell wall is the main component of biomass. It is an external barrier composed of cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin, and other complex biopolymers. It has the functions of supporting cell structure, maintaining cell morphology, and resisting external environmental pressure. Analysis of plant cell walls in biomass can help design efficient biomass utilization methods and improve the sustainable utilization of biomass resources. Creative Biolabs has complete laboratory facilities, professional teams, and rich experience. We provide comprehensive Plant Chemistry Profiling Services for different biomass samples according to client needs, including Plant Pigment Profiling, cell wall analysis, element, and Vitamin analysis, to provide clients with Interpret and apply analytical results to promote relevant research and industry development.

Analysis of various components of plant cell walls in biomass typically involves the following steps:

  • Step 1: Sample preparation

We grind biomass samples into powders or granules to increase surface area to facilitate subsequent chemical processing and analysis.

  • Step 2: Extraction of plant cell wall components
    • Cellulose: Cellulose is the main structural component of plant cell walls. It is a linear polymer composed of glucose units connected by β-1,4-glycosidic bonds, which provide the strength and stiffness of the cell wall. We use chemical methods such as acid, alkaline hydrolysis, etc. to remove other components and then determine the remaining cellulose content.
    • Hemicellulose: Hemicellulose is another major polysaccharide component after cellulose in the cell wall, including xylan, mannan, etc., which together with cellulose form the network structure of the cell wall. We degrade hemicellulose into monosaccharides via acidic hydrolysis and subsequently quantify hemicellulose by measuring the monosaccharide content.
    • Lignin: Lignin is the third largest component of the cell wall. We extract lignin through acidic degradation, alkaline hydrogenation, or other methods, and then analyze its structure and content through chromatography techniques.
    • Pectin: Pectin is a type of polysaccharide found in some plant cell walls. We extract pectin through hot water extraction or enzymatic hydrolysis, and then perform qualitative and quantitative analysis through chemical or chromatographic methods.
  • Step 3: Analysis of plant cell walls
    • Spectral technology: UV-Vis spectroscopy is used to analyze anthocyanins in biomass and reveal the pigment components in plant cell walls. Fluorescence spectroscopy is used to study the presence and content of specific compounds in a substance, such as lignin. FTIR is used to identify main components such as cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin in biomass, and detect their functional groups such as hydroxyl and carbonyl groups to help study the chemical properties of the cell wall.
    • Chromatography technology: Chromatography is used to separate and quantify monosaccharides, phenolic compounds, and other components in biomass, and help analyze the composition of plant cell walls. Such as high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), and gas chromatography (GC).
    • Mass spectrometry (MS): It can accurately determine compounds in biomass samples, such as lignin monomers, cellulose degradation products, etc., providing important information for the analysis of plant cell wall components.
    • In addition, methods such as nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and gel electrophoresis are also used to analyze plant cell walls. We provide multiple component analysis services for plant cell walls, including but not limited to total sugar, glucose, mannose, galactose, arabinose, xylose, rhamnose, lignin, starch, pectin, glucuronic acid, galacturonic acid, etc.

Comprehensive plant cell wall composition analysis service. (Creative Biolabs Original)

Through the above analysis steps and methods, Creative Biolabs comprehensively analyzes the properties, contents, and interrelationships of various components of plant cell walls in biomass, providing important information for research on the effective utilization of biomass resources, bioenergy development, and plant growth and development. If you are interested in a certain type of cell wall composition analysis, please contact us for a quote and we will be happy to assist you.

Published data

Cellulose is the main component of plant cell walls, along with hemicellulose and pectic glycans, as shown in the figure below. These polysaccharide components form a complex cell wall network. Accurate analysis of the structure and content of these polymers is critical to understanding their processes and functions in plant development. In this article, the author proposed two methods to analyze and quantify various components in plant cell walls. The first was an in vitro method, which first broke the molecular bonds between polymers in the cell wall through enzymatic, physical, or chemical methods, and then extracted, separated, and purified the individual cell wall components. Finally, quantitative analysis of proteins, polysaccharides, and other components in plant cell walls and identification of fingerprints were achieved through UV-Vis spectroscopy, IR, MS, NMR, electrophoresis, chromatography, and immunological methods. These methods could accurately describe the composition, structure, and content of each component of the plant cell wall. The second method was to directly identify and analyze the various components inside the plant cell wall through professional microscopy technology. It was a non-destructive detection method suitable for screening large plant cell wall populations for industrial applications.

Polysaccharide structure in plant cell walls. (Costa & Plazanet, 2016)Fig.1 Polysaccharides present in plant cell walls.1


Q1: Can your analytical method be applied to various types of plant tissue samples?

A1: Our analytical methods have been validated and applied to many types of plant tissue samples, including roots, stems, leaves, etc. Whether samples are from different plant species or different parts, we can provide accurate analysis results.

Q2: Is your analytical method able to differentiate between different types of polysaccharide components?

A2: Yes, we have a variety of analytical techniques, such as chromatography, MS, and NMR, that can effectively distinguish and quantify different polysaccharide components in cell walls, such as glucose, xylose, and pectin.

Q3: How long does it take for your analytics service to produce reports?

A3: The sample analysis cycle depends on the sample quantity and complexity. Generally, we will provide a detailed analysis report within 3 to 7 working days after receiving the sample. If there are special requirements or emergencies, we also negotiate to speed up the process.

Customer Review

High Professional Recognition
"Creative Biolabs's analysis team is very professional. They are proficient in detecting various components of plant cell walls and have provided us with valuable data support. We highly recommend their services!"

Efficient Service
"Creative Biolabs provides efficient and high-quality plant cell wall analysis services. Its analysis cycle is short and the price is reasonable, allowing us to obtain data promptly. It is our first choice for long-term cooperation!"


  1. Costa, Guy, and Idelette Plazanet. "Plant cell wall, a challenge for its characterisation." Advances in Biological Chemistry 6.3 (2016).
For Research Use Only.

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