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Algae Fatty Acid Profiling Service

Proficient Analysis of Algae Fatty Acids

Fatty acids are a major component of algae and have good commercial value. Reliable analytical methods are needed to quantify fatty acid content and composition to develop commercial applications. Creative Biolabs provides a highly stable and reliable algal fatty acid analysis service by combining advanced analytical techniques. Our experienced experts customize the analytical protocols according to the client's specific research objectives and sample types. The analytical process is described below:

  • Sample processing: This process involves extraction, purification, derivatization, etc.
  • Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) detection: GC-MS provides an effective means for selective analysis of fatty acids. The method is suitable for analyzing the composition and content of fatty acids in Biomass such as Algae. We have optimized the GC-MS assay to obtain accurate results quickly.
  • Quantification and data analysis: The content of individual fatty acids is quantified according to the GC-MS results and detailed data analysis is performed.

Types of algal fatty acids tested. (Creative Biolabs Original)

Currently, detectable fats include unsaturated fatty acids, etc. Based on the optimized GC-MS method, the following fatty acids are detected efficiently and accurately in combination with standards.

Decanoic acid Palmitoleic acid Arachidic acid Stearic acid Behenic acid
Erucic acid Myristic acid Palmitic acid Linolenic acid Oleic acid
Lauric acid Lignoceric acid Linoleic acid Caprylic acid -

Advantages of Algae Fatty Acids Analysis Service

  • As a leading global algae service provider, we provide an accurate and reliable algae fatty acid analysis service.
  • Our experienced team with solid knowledge of algae provides customized fatty acid analysis solutions.
  • We have optimized the process of fatty acid analysis with high efficiency and accurate results.

Creative Biolabs is the partner of choice for algae research by constantly updating and optimizing the individual techniques used to analyze the composition of algae. We help our clients to quickly and accurately understand the fatty acid composition and content of algae. Please feel free to contact us to learn more about fatty acid analysis of algae if you are interested in our services.

Published data

It is often necessary to examine the type and content of fatty acids in microalgae to study their applications in areas such as biodiesel. In this study, researchers compared several major fatty acid recovery methods for fatty acid analysis using three microalgae with different types of cell walls. Analysis in combination with GC and MS revealed differences in the fatty acids recovered from the three microalgae by the different methods. Appropriate methods need to be screened for specific objectives and sample types. Through this study, we learned about some fatty acid extraction methods in algal samples, which was important for us to optimize the fatty acid analysis process.

Fig.1 Detection of saturated fatty acids, monounsaturated fatty acids, and polyunsaturated fatty acids. (Cavonius, Carlsson & Undeland, 2014)Fig.1 Detection of fatty acids by different methods.1, 2


Q1: What kind of research can algae fatty acid analysis be used for?

A1: Fatty acids, as one of the major components of algae, have a wide range of applications, including food, nutraceuticals, and chemicals. Accurate quantitative analysis of fatty acids helps to study the nutritional value of algae and evaluate their potential applications in the food field. In the nutraceutical field, algal fatty acid analysis is used to develop products rich in essential fatty acids.

Q2: What methods are commonly used to analyze algal fatty acids?

A2: Several methods are currently used to analyze algal fatty acids. GC is a widely used technique that converts fatty acids into volatile derivatives and separates them according to their retention time. In addition, MS is often used in conjunction with it to identify and characterize individual fatty acids.

Customer Review

Algae Fatty Acid Analysis That Exceeds Expectations
"As researchers focused on biofuel development, we needed to analyze the type and content of fatty acids in various algae samples. After thorough consideration, we chose to work with Creative Biolabs. We must say that their fatty acid analysis service was excellent and exceeded our expectations. Throughout the process, they kept us updated on progress and provided us with analytical guidance to ensure we made accurate judgments according to our algae research requirements."

Accurate Analysis of Fatty Acids
"We were amazed at the expertise Creative Biolabs showed us and their extensive experience in algal fatty acid analysis. The service they provided for algal fatty acid analysis was excellent, and the analysis reports were detailed, which enabled us to get a good understanding of the fatty acid profiles in our samples. We look forward to working with them again in future studies."


  1. Cavonius, Lillie R., Nils-Gunnar Carlsson, and Ingrid Undeland. "Quantification of total fatty acids in microalgae: comparison of extraction and transesterification methods." Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 406 (2014): 7313-7322.
  2. Under Open Access license CC BY, without modification.
For Research Use Only.

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