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Trimer and Dimer Analysis Service

Professional Trimer and Dimer Analysis That Exceeding Your Expectations

Analysis of dimers and trimers from hydrolysis helps to better analyze biomass processing and provides valuable information on potential applications of biomass in high-value cosmetics, biofuel production, etc. Creative Biolabs offers a one-stop service for the analysis of dimers and trimers from hydrolysis according to reproducible and sensitive analysis methods. Our analysis service applies to a wide range of biomass processing samples.

We offer custom dimers and trimers from hydrolysis analysis solutions tailored to our client's research needs according to our extensive experience in Biomass Analysis. We support the development of more efficient and sustainable biomass treatment and conversion processes by measuring the content of various dimers and trimers.

Analysis of dimers and trimers from hydrolysis. (Creative Biolabs Original)

  • Detection method

Ion chromatography: We use ion chromatography for the detection of dimers and trimers from hydrolysis in Biomass Process Liquid. Ion chromatography provides excellent retention and separation of Maltooligosaccharides and other sugars. We have optimized and validated the assay to ensure the need for accurate and reliable results. The method is validated to be efficient and accurate for the detection of dimers and trimers from hydrolysis in various biomass process liquids.

  • Testing indicators

We quantify the following dimers and trimers. They are important substances in the analysis of biomass process liquid and help to derive useful information such as the degree of hydrolysis of cellulose and hemicellulose hydrolysis for use in research on biomass applications, etc.

  • Xylobiose
  • Xylotriose
  • Arabinobiose
  • Arabinotriose
  • Cellobiose
  • Cellotriose

Advantages of Analysis of Dimers and Trimers from Hydrolysis

  • Reliable detection method: Our method for dimers and trimmers from hydrolysis analysis has high sensitivity and specific response, good reproducibility, and accurate and reliable results.
  • Real-time tracking of analytical processes: We rely on a comprehensive project management system to track analytical projects in real time.
  • Experienced in testing: We are experienced in biomass analysis and efficiently solve any problems encountered in dimers and trimers from hydrolysis analysis.

Creative Biolabs provides a high-quality analysis of dimers and trimers from hydrolysis to facilitate biomass valorization, biorefinery, and bioconversion research. We have an experienced analytical team to design solutions to meet our clients' research needs. Please feel free to contact us for more information and a detailed quote for analysis of dimers and trimers from hydrolysis, if you are interested in our services.

Published data

Lignocellulosic biomass is a viable resource for the production of biomaterials, which contain lignin, hemicellulose, and cellulose. The optimization of its pretreatment process is crucial for the application. In this study, various types of substances produced by hydrolysis of lignocellulose after enzyme treatment were examined. It was finally found that MnP from Moniliophthora roreri had good lignin degradation properties and could be used for the pretreatment of lignocellulose. This study provided data support for the development of efficient and economical biomass treatment methods. Besides, this study also demonstrated that we could detect and analyze the dimers and trimers produced by degradation in biomass processing liquids.

Analysis of various substances produced by hydrolysis of lignocellulose after enzymatic treatment. (Liu, et al., 2023)Fig.1 Analysis of the degradation products.1


Q1: Why is the analysis of dimers and trimmers from hydrolysis important for the study of biomass treatment processes?

A1: Analysis of dimers and trimers produced by degradation in biomass process liquid provides useful information on the products produced during the hydrolysis of cellulose, hemicellulose, etc. It helps to understand the effectiveness of various biomass processing methods, to design efficient bioconversion strategies, and to optimize the production of biofuels, etc.

Q2: What are the factors that affect dimer and trimer from hydrolysis formation during biomass treatment?

A2: Several factors can affect the formation of dimers and trimers from hydrolysis during biomass treatment, including the type of biomass, specific degradation conditions (e.g., temperature, pH, and catalysts/enzymes), reaction time, etc.

Customer Review

Highly Efficient Testing of Samples
"We needed to analyze the components of a biomass process liquid to develop a suitable treatment method. We chose Creative Biolabs to help us analyze the dimers and trimers from hydrolysis in our samples. They used a highly efficient analytical method to detect the content of dimers and trimers. In addition to the detailed and clear lab reports, they also answered some of our questions, which greatly helped us to analyze the samples accurately."

Professional Analysts
"Creative Biolabs analyzed our samples for dimers and trimmers from hydrolysis to our great satisfaction. Their professionalism was evident from the communication throughout the analysis process. After clarifying our needs, their staff responded quickly and developed a fitting analysis plan. This reliable and quality service was instrumental in moving our biomass research project forward."


  1. Liu, Xiaoqing, et al. "Exploring the cellulolytic and hemicellulolytic activities of manganese peroxidase for lignocellulose deconstruction." Biotechnology for Biofuels and Bioproducts 16.1 (2023): 139.
For Research Use Only.

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