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Phenolic Composition Analysis Service

Our Custom and Reliable Seaweed Phenolic Composition Analysis for Clients

Seaweeds are of high interest due to their chemical and biological properties. Phenolic compounds have a wide range of biological activities, which makes seaweeds a candidate for the development of products or ingredients for industrial applications, such as pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, functional foods, etc. Creative Biolabs provides an efficient, rapid, and reliable seaweed phenolic composition analysis service according to a highly sensitive and stable quantitative analysis system.

Phenolic compounds are the most abundant metabolites in seaweeds. Ion chromatography has many advantages such as ease of operation, good sensitivity, and accuracy. It is used to analyze phenols, Phytohormones, and Vitamins in Biomass such as Seaweed. After years of accumulation of technology, we have established the analytical method mainly based on ion chromatography to qualitatively and quantitatively analyze various phenolic substances in seaweed. It has been proved that our efficient analytical methods have significantly improved the accuracy of the qualitative and quantitative analysis of phenolics in seaweeds, and greatly improved the throughput and stability.

We mainly test the following 10 phenolic compounds such as flavonoids and phenolic acids. After clarifying the client's needs, our experienced staff selects the appropriate processing method for analysis. We have a strict quality management system to ensure the reproducibility and accuracy of the analysis so that our clients can be confident in the data they obtain.

  • Gallic acid
  • Caffeic acid
  • Coumaric acid
  • Vanillic acid
  • Chlorogenic acid
  • Catechin
  • Protocatechuic acid
  • Ferulic acid
  • Quercetin
  • Phloroglucinol

We generally only analyze the above 10 compounds unless the client has a special request. We also test for Total Phenolics in seaweed.

Fig.1 Efficient process for analyzing seaweed phenolics. (Creative Biolabs Original)Fig.1 Flowchart for the analysis of phenolic components in seaweeds.

Advantages of Seaweed Phenolic Composition Analysis Service

  • Analyst expertise: We have extensive knowledge in analyzing phenolic compounds in seaweed and extensive experience in handling seaweed samples and analyzing them accurately.
  • Reliable results: With our expertise and efficient analytical methods, we provide reliable and accurate results for the analysis of phenolics in seaweed.
  • Personalized analytical solutions: We focus on certain phenolic compounds according to the specific needs of our clients or provide additional consulting services to help interpret results and answer any questions or concerns.

Creative Biolabs offers seaweed phenolic composition analysis service with an experienced analytical team and advanced ion chromatography technology. We use optimized ion chromatography to analyze phenolics in various types of seaweeds. Please feel free to contact us for more information and a detailed quote on our seaweed phenolic composition analysis service.

Published data

Phenolic compounds are biosynthetic intermediates with multiple biological activities. Identification and quantification of various phenolic compounds present in seaweeds are valuable for analyzing the potential health benefits, functional properties, and industrial applications of seaweeds. Through the present study, we understood the various phenolics contained in seaweeds and their biological activities. In addition to this, we also learned about various extraction, isolation, and quantitative analysis methods for phenolics in seaweeds, which supported us to better analyze the phenolics in seaweeds.

Fig.2 Methods involved in the analysis of the phenolic composition of seaweeds. (Cotas, et al., 2020)Fig.2 Collection of possible methods used to analyze phenolics in seaweeds.1


Q1: Why is seaweed phenolic composition analysis important?

A1: Seaweed phenolic composition analysis helps to gain a deeper understanding of the potential bioactive compounds present in seaweed. With an understanding of phenols in seaweeds, functional properties, health benefits, and industrial applications of seaweeds are better explored. It also helps to facilitate the study of the value of seaweeds for applications in cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, and development into functional foods.

Q2: What analytical techniques are commonly used for seaweed phenolic composition analysis?

A2: A variety of analytical techniques are used for seaweed phenolic composition analysis, including ion chromatography, spectrophotometry, gas chromatography, nuclear magnetic resonance, and others. These techniques can separate, identify, and quantify different phenolic compounds.

Customer Review

Accurate and Transparent
"Analyzing phenolics in seaweed presented some difficulties for us. In the end, we chose to work with Creative Biolabs. What set their seaweed phenolic composition analysis service apart was its accuracy and transparency. Throughout the analysis, they demonstrated extensive expertise in the field, transparent analysis throughout the process, and accurate results. This was very helpful to us in carrying out subsequent seaweed analyses."

Efficient Analysis and Communication
"'Their seaweed phenolic composition analysis service at Creative Biolabs exceeded our expectations. We loved their excellent client service and professionalism. They used state-of-the-art chromatography and spectroscopy techniques to ensure the accuracy of their results. Throughout the analysis process, they were the first to respond to our queries. The efficient coordination and communication were commendable."


  1. Cotas, João, et al. "Seaweed phenolics: From extraction to applications." Marine Drugs 18.8 (2020): 384.
For Research Use Only.

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