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Seaweed Total Phlorotannins Content Analysis Service

Comprehensive Content Analysis Service of Seaweed Total Phlorotannins at Creative Biolabs

Phlorotannins are polyphenolic substances with specific biological activities, mainly composed of catechol monomer units. These substances mainly exist in brown algae and are secondary metabolites in brown algae. Moreover, phlorotannins are a class of natural compounds with a wide range of biological activities and have attracted much attention in the pharmaceutical, cosmetic, and food industries. They have various biological activities, such as antioxidant, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and other effects. Analyzing the total phlorotannin content evaluates the nutritional quality and potential medicinal value of seaweed products. It also helps guide the development and utilization of seaweed products and promotes the development of the seaweed industry. Creative Biolabs focuses on Seaweed Profiling, and we have a variety of advanced chemical analysis technologies and project experience, and provide clients with quantitative analysis services of Total Phenolics Analysis, Phenolics Analysis, Tannin Profiling, and total phlorotannins analysis in seaweed.

For the analysis of phlorotannins, we usually choose ultra-high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (UPLC-MS) to analyze the total phlorotannins in seaweed, which is a method for rapid analysis of phlorotannins through the degree of polymerization of brown seaweed.

  • Pretreatment of seaweed samples
    Seaweed samples are often ground and homogenized to ensure representative samples and easy extraction of soluble components.
  • Extraction of target components
    We obtain total phlorotannins by mixing pretreated seaweed samples with suitable extraction solvents such as water, ethanol, and methanol while improving extraction efficiency through oscillation or ultrasonic technology.
  • Concentration and elution of target components
    We remove the solvent from the extract using appropriate methods such as rotary evaporation or nitrogen purging to concentrate the sample. The concentrated sample is then resuspended in eluent for subsequent analysis.
  • Quantitative analysis
    We used UPLC-MS to analyze total phlorotannins in seaweed. We achieve effective separation of each component in the sample by optimizing the mobile phase composition, gradient program, and column temperature of the UPLC system. The separated compounds then enter a mass spectrometer for detection and quantification. Electrospray ionization (ESI) is an often applied ionization source that converts sample molecules entering a mass spectrometer into ions. We optimize the parameters of the mass spectrometer, such as collision energy, collision gas flow, etc., to ensure stable signals and accurate mass spectrometry data during the analysis process. Finally, quantitative analysis of phlorotannins is achieved by measuring the mass-to-charge ratio signal of each ion.

UPLC-MS has the characteristics of high sensitivity, high resolution, and high accuracy, and it is applied for the analysis of various complex samples. Through this technology, we obtain structural information on various phlorotannins in seaweed, such as molecular weight, fragmentation patterns, etc., thereby helping to identify and characterize different types of phlorotannins.

Comprehensive seaweed total phlorotannins content analysis service. (Creative Biolabs Original)

Creative Biolabs has a strong professional analysis team and efficient project management experience. We are happy to provide clients with detailed and comprehensive seaweed total phlorotannins analysis services. If the services we provide pique your interest, please contact us to inquire and we will provide you with an exclusive service.

Published data

Phlorotannins are bioactive polyphenols in brown algae. Polyphenols have become essential micronutrients in the daily diet due to their antioxidant and preventive properties against certain diseases. The authors used ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography with high-resolution tandem mass spectrometry (UHPLC-HRMS) to identify phlorotannins from brown algae, Saccharina latissima, and Ascophyllum nodosum. The author first extracted phlorotannins from different algae through water extraction and alcohol extraction, then concentrated and purified the samples through solid phase extraction (SPE), and finally identified the presence of four phlorotannins in A. nodosum through UHPLC-HRMS. Their m/z are 390.0574, 622.0954, 498.0793 and 746.1114 respectively. One phlorotannin exists in S. latissima and its m/z is 266.0421.

Structure of phlorotannins identified in different algae. (Sardari, et al., 2020)Fig.1 Structure of phlorotannins identified in A. nodosum and S. latissima.1


Q1: Is the concentration of total phlorotannins different in different parts?

A1: We can analyze seaweed samples from different parts and compare the total phlorotannin content in them to determine possible differences.

Q2: What are the biological activities of these phlorotannins?

A2: We conduct further research to evaluate the biological activities of these phlorotannins, including antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial effects.

Q3: Can I choose a specific analytical technique or method for total phlorotannins content analysis?

A3: We recommend the most suitable analysis method, but can also customize analysis methods according to your needs and requirements.

Customer Review

Meticulous Reporting
"I would like to express my appreciation to the Creative Biolabs team for their efficient service and accurate analysis results. I also would like to express my gratitude to your team for their patience in answering all my questions and providing timely support. The analytical report is of high quality, concise, and clear. This report was of great help to my research project, allowing me to delve into the potential value of phlorotannins in seaweeds."

Focus on Client Needs
"Thank you to the Creative Biolabs team for the excellent service! From sampling to the final report, every step demonstrates your professionalism and attention to client needs. I am satisfied with this service and look forward to cooperation in the future."


  1. Sardari, Roya RR, et al. "Identification of phlorotannins in the brown algae, Saccharina latissima and Ascophyllum nodosum by ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography coupled to high-resolution tandem mass spectrometry." Molecules 26.1 (2020): 43.
For Research Use Only.

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