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Ammoniacal Nitrogen Profiling Service

Trust Our Ammoniacal Nitrogen Analysis for Reliable Result

Anaerobic digestion is a complex biological process susceptible to inhibition by certain accumulated chemicals such as ammonia, ammonium ions, etc. Ammoniacal nitrogen analysis is used to investigate ammonia inhibition strategies to improve anaerobic digestion performance. Creative Biolabs offers an efficient ammoniacal nitrogen analysis service according to extensive research in Anaerobic Digestion. Our team of experts provides support and guidance throughout the research process.

Our ammoniacal nitrogen analysis is suitable for all types of samples. After defining the client's specific research needs, we develop a detailed analytical protocol. The analysis includes the following:

  • We use an optimized fast, accurate, and convenient method to detect ammoniacal nitrogen in individual samples.
  • We have specialized analytical equipment to simulate the anaerobic digestion process. In addition to detecting ammoniacal nitrogen in all types of Biomass, we also perform anaerobic digestion of samples, monitor changes in ammoniacal nitrogen in real time, and analyze the results of the experiments.

Our researchers scrutinize the various processes of anaerobic digestion and analyze the impact of each parameter. By efficiently analyzing ammoniacal nitrogen, Volatile Fatty Acids, etc., we help improve the efficiency of anaerobic digestion and increase biogas production.

Comprehensive ammoniacal nitrogen analysis service. (Creative Biolabs Original)

Features of Ammoniacal Nitrogen Profiling Service

  • Wide applicability: Our ammoniacal nitrogen analysis services apply to a wide range of sample types to help with wastewater treatment, anaerobic digestion, and other research needs.
  • Customized analytical protocols: Our experienced researchers develop detailed analytical protocols according to specific client needs and sample types.
  • Accurate and reliable results: Based on state-of-the-art equipment, we split the sample in two for testing to ensure accurate and reliable analytical results.

Creative Biolabs has a team of researchers with extensive experience in anaerobic digestion and offers an unparalleled ammoniacal nitrogen analysis service. We ensure that you receive valuable information and first-class service. Please feel free to contact us to learn more about how we can analyze ammoniacal nitrogen levels in detail.

Published data

Anaerobic digestion is a biological process that treats waste and produces renewable energy. In this study, different parameters of anaerobic digester including ammoniacal nitrogen, biogas volume, volatile fatty acids, etc., were examined. The final study was conducted to determine the effect of the nature of the inoculum and the quality of feedstock on anaerobic digestion. The present study provides a demonstration for the detection and analysis of ammoniacal nitrogen.

Tab.1 Concentration of ammonia nitrogen in digesters.1, 2

Digesters 0.5% (W/V) load 2% (W/V) load
Ammonia nitrogen concentration (mg/L) 0.890 ± 0.001 0.685 ± 0.001
0.304 ± 0.001 0.147 ± 0.001


Q1: Why is it important to test for ammoniacal nitrogen during anaerobic digestion?

A1: Anaerobic digestion is a green method of waste treatment and methane production. Anaerobic degradation of protein-rich wastes leads to high ammonia concentrations, which can have toxic effects on microorganisms and thus affect the efficiency of anaerobic digestion. It has been found that high ammonia concentrations may lead to unbalanced fermentation conditions, reduced methane production, and inadequate substrate degradation. Ammonia concentration needs to be controlled during anaerobic digestion.

Q2: How long does it take to analyze ammoniacal nitrogen?

A2: The time required for ammoniacal nitrogen analysis depends on the sample type, quantity, etc. After clarifying the need, we will make a fitting experimental plan as soon as possible and perform rapid testing on the received samples.

Customer Review

In-depth and Comprehensive Nitrogen Analysis
"We were impressed with the quality of the ammoniacal nitrogen service we received from Creative Biolabs. Their staff had a unique and deep insight into anaerobic digestion. After understanding our needs, they quickly analyzed the ammoniacal nitrogen and provided us with a detailed analysis report, which was very helpful in our study of ammonia suppression strategies."

Accelerating Anaerobic Digestion Research
"Creative Biolabs had a vast reservoir of knowledge and experience in anaerobic digestion. Their expertise and ammoniacal nitrogen analysis were top-notch. Not only did they provide a detailed analysis of the results, but they also provided some valuable insights into our study that helped accelerate our anaerobic digestion process study. They were truly customer-focused."


  1. Guendouz, Nardjes, et al. "Evaluation of the biogas potential of a lignocellulosic residue." Water Science and Technology 84.8 (2021): 1827-1838.
  2. Under Open Access license CC BY 4.0, without modification.
For Research Use Only.

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  15. Sludge Granule Size Analysis
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  17. Toxicity Assessment in Microbial Digestion Processes
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