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Specific Hydrolytic Activity (SHA) Determination Service

Revealing Microbial Hydrolysis with Our SHA Analysis

SHA, also known as specific hydrolytic potential (SHP), is an important parameter in anaerobic digestion research. At Creative Biolabs, we use our knowledge of chemistry and biology to provide an efficient SHA assessment service to help maximize anaerobic digestion efficiency. Whether you need a customized Anaerobic Digestion solution, comprehensive analysis, or research guidance, we are your first choice.

Our SHA analysis service involved 5 days of feedstock digestion and monitoring of the resulting biogas. Anaerobic digestion is a bioprocess that breaks down biodegradable materials such as Biomass in four stages. In the first stage, the biomass is hydrolyzed into proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids. We use SHA assays to help assess Microbial Activity during this phase. The analysis is as follows:

  • We use standard polymer matrices to measure SHA with specialized automated equipment. The choice of a standard polymer matrix depends on the feedstock used by the client to study anaerobic digestion. For example, cellulose is used as a standard polymer for analyzing SHA in grass-based anaerobic digestion.
  • The biomethane content produced from the standard feedstock is detected by a gas analyzer and compared to the theoretical biomethane potential. Once the biogas production is determined, the SHA is calculated.
  • During this process, if the SHA is found to be lower than expected, our researchers in charge of anaerobic digestion analyze the reasons, e.g. inhibitors, nutrient limitation, etc. We also propose some rational solutions for this.

Our researchers develop customized protocols for specific research purposes. In addition to SHA analysis, we also provide Specific Acidogenic Potential and Specific Methanogenic Potential analysis services.

Detailed SHA analysis process. (Creative Biolabs Original)

Features of SHA Assessment Service

  • Our experts with many years of research in the field of anaerobic digestion are ready to customize solutions for specific research needs.
  • We use state-of-the-art equipment and technology to ensure the accuracy and reliability of SHA analysis results.
  • We prioritize accuracy and efficiency, providing precise SHA analysis results in a short period to help accelerate our clients' research.

Creative Biolabs offers a SHA analysis service utilizing state-of-the-art equipment to aid in anaerobic digestion research. Please feel free to contact us to discuss your research or SHA analysis in further detail. Our anaerobic digestion team is happy to provide any guidance and assistance you may need.

Published data

It is found that separating the hydrolysis-acid production stages of anaerobic digestion and optimizing the parameters according to the different conditions of the microorganisms can improve the hydrolysis and methane production efficiency. This study describes the research related to microbial hydrolysis of separate stages and provides theoretical support for our analysis of SHA.

Fig.1 A form of hydrolysis phase in anaerobic digestion. (Menzel, Neubauer & Junne, 2020)Fig.1 Example of anaerobic digestion with separated or integrated hydrolysis stages.1, 2


Q1: Why is it important to analyze SHA in anaerobic digestion studies?

A1: Analyzing SHA in anaerobic digestion studies is important. It helps researchers understand the efficiency of anaerobic digestion, find ways to optimize the process, increase biogas production, and improve the performance of the anaerobic digestion system.

Q2: What factors affect SHA?

A2: Several factors affect SHA, including temperature, pH, microbial community, etc. Different microorganisms have different ability to hydrolyze different compounds. Temperature and pH also affect the efficiency of raw material hydrolysis.

Customer Review

Facilitating the Anaerobic Digestion Process
"Creative Biolabs impressed us with their knowledge base and experience in anaerobic digestion. Their state-of-the-art equipment helped us to evaluate the microbial activity through SHA analysis, which was very important for us to optimize the anaerobic digestion process. There was no doubt that they were experts in this field."

Accurate SHA Analysis
"Creative Biolabs was our trusted partner for anaerobic digestion research. With their extensive experience and cutting-edge technology, they provided practical insights for optimizing the hydrolysis phase of anaerobic digestion through SHA analysis. We successfully optimized our process parameters and increased our biogas production with their guidance."


  1. Menzel, Theresa, Peter Neubauer, and Stefan Junne. "Role of microbial hydrolysis in anaerobic digestion." Energies 13.21 (2020): 5555.
  2. Under Open Access license CC BY 4.0, without modification.
For Research Use Only.

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