Off-Target Screening Cell Microarray Assay

To mitigate or minimize off-target effects that may impact subsequent research or applications, Creative Biolabs offers off-target screening cell microarray analysis (OTSCMA) services to assist clients in assessing the safety of drugs.

What is Off-Target Screening Cell Microarray Analysis (OTSCMA)?

Off-target effect

Off-target effects refer to the phenomenon in drug development where candidate drugs bind to unintended targets and exert adverse effects. Typically, drugs are designed to interact with specific targets to achieve the intended therapeutic effects. However, off-target effects can result in unexpected side effects, toxicity, or other adverse impacts.

Off-Target Screening Cell Microarray Analysis

OTSCMA is a method used to assess the nonspecific binding or cross-reactivity of therapeutic drugs. This analysis typically utilizes cell microarrays with a large-scale expression of human proteins, where cell surface or secreted proteins are used as targets for off-target screening. By detecting the binding or reaction between the therapeutic substance or specific ligand and specific proteins in the cells, the off-target binding to unintended targets can be evaluated.

Why Conduct OTSCMA?

Assessing candidate drugs

OTSCMA helps drug developers gain a more comprehensive understanding of the binding characteristics of candidate drugs. This aids in the early identification of potential safety issues and optimization of drug design during the drug development process, thereby enhancing drug safety.

Reducing the risk of off-target effects

By performing OTSCMA, potential off-target binding can be identified early, and the impact of this nonspecific binding on receptor cells can be promptly evaluated, thus reducing the risk of off-target effects.

Accelerating drug development

Regulatory agencies require specific evaluation of drugs in drug applications and comprehensive studies on off-target effects. OTSCMA provides data on off-target interactions of candidate drugs, which contribute to the acceptance of candidate drugs by regulatory agencies.

Advantages of OTSCMA Service at Creative Biolabs


The OTSCMA service offers broad detection capabilities, whether it's nucleic acids, proteins, compounds, viruses, or entire therapeutic cells. We can design suitable cell microarrays for off-target screening analysis.

High specificity:

Customized experimental plans are designed according to specific client needs and research objectives. Appropriate cell types and protein libraries are selected to ensure highly specific screening results.

High throughput:

Off-target screening analysis based on cell microarray technology simultaneously evaluates interactions between targets and multiple cell surfaces or secreted proteins. This significantly improves screening efficiency and saves time and resources.


Our professional technical team provides comprehensive interpretation, including specific assessments of off-target binding and predictions of potential off-target effects and toxicity.

High accreditation:

Our equipment and procedures comply with international quality standards, ensuring the accuracy and reliability of the data. These data provide crucial support for drug development and regulatory approval processes.

OTSCMA Service Process at Creative Biolabs

  • Discussion and design
  • Sample preparation
  • Cell microarray preparation
  • Interaction reactions
  • Characterization of interaction reactions
  • Data analysis and interpretation
  • Results delivery

Creative Biolabs is your trusted partner. Our technical team possesses expertise and multidisciplinary capabilities, providing high-quality services. Our technical services are an ideal choice for OTSCMA and target analysis. If you require off-target screening or gene editing organoid services for target analysis, please contact us. Our technical team will work closely with you to ensure a smooth project execution and help you achieve your research goals.

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