Retinal Toxicity Evaluation by Retinal Organoid

Creative Biolabs is skilled in the in vitro differentiation of 3D stem cells to construct retinal organoids with appropriate induction processes to provide retinal toxicity evaluation services.

Characteristics of Retinal Organoids

  • Cell types

Contain a full complement of retinal cells of all subtypes (cell count ~40,000) including retinal ganglion cells, horizontal cells, müller glial cells, amacrine cells, rod and cone photoreceptors, etc.

  • Framework

Possess a hierarchical structure that classically mimics the human retina.

  • Biomarkers

Characterize cellular markers to monitor cell differentiation in organoids and identify time points. For example, OPNSW, OPNMW, OPNLW, ARR3, and RXRG based on OPNSW to detect cone photoreceptors, RHO and NRL based on rod photoreceptors, and MATH5 (ATOH7) and BRN3 (POU4F2) based on retinal ganglion cells.

  • Features

Respond to light and toxins, allowing penetration of drugs.

Retinal organoids at different maturation stages contain progressively complex cell populations. (Afanasyeva, 2021) Fig. 1 Retinal organoids at different maturation stages contain progressively complex cell populations.1

Steps for Retinal Toxicity Evaluation with Retinal Organoids

  1. Retinal organoids preparation
    Human iPSCs as source material with the addition of appropriate inducible differentiation factors to strictly control the retinal organoid production, with a long differentiation time span across D60-D210.
  2. Exposure experiment
    Retinal organoids are exposed to test samples, which can be chemicals, drugs, environmental contaminants, etc.
  3. Data acquisition
    • Observation of the response of retinal organoids to test samples.
    • Assessing the presence of cytotoxic effects and photoreceptor damaging effects of the compounds to be tested on retinal organoids.
    • Assessing the structural integrity of cells and changes in neuronal activity.
    • Detection of gene expression profiles and key cellular markers of cells in retinal organoids.
  4. Toxicity evaluation
    Analyze the collected data and combine qualitative and quantitative imaging for a comprehensive evaluation of retinal toxicity. This may include determining the extent of retinal damage caused by the test substance, thresholds for toxicity, etc.

Human retinal organoids for the assessment of bisphenol toxicity. (Li, 2022) Fig. 2 Human retinal organoids for the assessment of bisphenol toxicity.2

Result Deliverables

  • Retinal toxicity evaluation of retinal organoids.
  • Immunofluorescence of key markers in retinal organoid sections.
  • Assessment of key cellular activities such as photoreceptors.
  • Microscopic imaging of key constituent cells of retinal organoids.
  • Data analysis for designated time points.

Our Service Highlights

More flexible and customized services

Supports retinal organoids in multiple formats (fresh organoids, organoid cell sedimentation, and frozen sections) and multiple differentiation time points (D60, D150, D180, D210), as well as gene editing operations.

Faster experimental timelines

Our proven process allows for organoid regular supply and fast timelines of 3-6 months.

Broader applications

Continuous refinement of organoid construction and toxicity assessment can assist in execution in a number of areas including high throughput drug screening, disease modeling,and development of intervention strategies.

Other 3D Biology Based Ocular Toxicity Evaluation Services

Creative Biolabs provides retinal toxicity evaluation services by customized retinal organoids to help clients understand the use safety of the test object, predict and assess potential toxic effects, as well as facilitate the development of appropriate safety guidelines. Please contact us to discuss your needs.


  1. Afanasyeva, TAV.; et al. A look into retinal organoids: methods, analytical techniques, and applications. Cell Mol Life Sci. 2021, 78(19-20): 6505-6532.
  2. Li, M.; et al. Development of human retinal organoid models for bisphenol toxicity assessment. Ecotoxicol Environ Saf. 2022, 245: 114094.
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