3D Biology Based T Cell Activation Assay

Creative Biolabs can provide a more accurate and controlled 3D biology-based assay platform that can contribute to a deeper understanding of T cell activation mechanisms and explore new regulatory strategies.


  • To study the mechanisms and signaling pathways of T cell activation, including the role of T cell receptor signaling, co-stimulatory molecules, and cytokines.
  • To screen the effects of different factors on T cell activation and identify candidates that exert activation effects.
  • To explore the interactions between T cells and other immune cells such as macrophages and dendritic cells.


  1. Prepare appropriate cell types, including T cells, antigen-presenting cells, co-stimulatory cells, etc., and arrange them in specific cell proportions on a vector to establish a 3D ex vivo model.
  2. Add antigens, antibodies, activators, and other substances to be tested.
  3. Observation of T cell activation status in organoid models, including proliferation, cytokine production, and expression of cell surface markers.
  4. Quantitative or qualitative detection of T cell activation indicators using molecular biology techniques (e.g., PCR, flow cytometry) or immunohistochemical methods, etc.
  5. Further assess the extent and characteristics of T cell activation by cytokine release assays, cell viability assays, and proteomic studies.

Assesses the ability of the tested object to activate T cells. Fig. 1 Assesses the ability of the tested object to activate T cells.1

Characteristics of the Assay Strategy


The 3D model can more realistically simulate the physiological environment and activation behavior of T cells in vivo, improving the credibility of the results.


Models contain multiple relevant cells to simulate complex immune cell interactions.


Cell composition, cell number, and activation conditions can be adjusted according to research needs.

Advantages of Our Services

  • Efficient. Our proven assay strategy can scale up and improve efficiency compared to traditional animal experiments or in vitro single-cell cultures.
  • Reproducibility. The unique 3D bio-based analytical platform provides a reproducible experimental environment for comparing results from different samples or conditions.
  • Substitution. Alternative to traditional animal experiments and one-sided cell experiments, reducing the influence of uncontrollable manipulation factors.

Creative Biolabs has created an emerging platform based on 3D models to detect T cell activation, which can more realistically reflect the activation process of T cells in vivo, and is expecting more attention. You are welcome to contact us anytime with your interest.


  1. Zhou, Shujuan, et al. "Bifunctional iRGD-anti-CD3 enhances antitumor potency of T cells by facilitating tumor infiltration and T-cell activation." Journal for immunotherapy of cancer 9.5 (2021).
Research Model

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