Patient-Derived Fallopian Cancer Organoid Model

The fallopian tube, due to its special location and complex structure, is extremely difficult to examine and study fallopian cancer. Therefore, it’s necessary to construct an in vitro model that recapitulates the in vivo structure and function of fallopian tubes. Creative Biolabs keeps tracking the most advanced technology to develop optimum in vitro models like patient-derived fallopian cancer organoid models to help your project.

Limitations of Common Culture Models

Commonly used in vitro culture models, such as 2D cell models and 3D culture models, make contributions to fallopian cancer research to some extent. However, they gradually show several limitations with diverse research demands becoming more diverse and complex. For instance, cell lines lack complex tumor microenvironments and fail to represent in vivo cellular diversity. The organ explant or organotypic slice cultures make up for some defects of the cell model, but their widespread use is limited due to restriction of proliferation, short-term nature, and cell phenotype drift.

Advantages of Patient-derived Fallopian Cancer Organoid Models

Ever since organoid technology came into view, this novel model serves as a tool to bridge the gap between in vitro and in vivo and promote research progress on fallopian cancer. Just like a miniature organ in vitro, fallopian cancer organoids present many advantages over conventional culture systems.

  • Fallopian cancer organoids recapitulate biological and pathological characteristics of original organs.
  • Such models possess genetic stability during the long-term culture process to support various research in this disease field.
  • Fallopian organoids provide a tumor microenvironment highly similar to in vivo environment.
  • Moreover, as a complement to other in vitro models, this kind of powerful organoid model offers a wide range of applications in clinical and nonclinical research stages.


As an emerging technology, tumor organoids provide new insights into the mechanism study of the occurrence and progression of tumors. Fallopian cancer organoid models highly simulate the physiological architecture of the human fallopian epithelium. Therefore, they are ideal models for research on the biology and pathology of fallopian tubes regarding screening technologies, cancer biology, and reproductive medicine.

Applications of mainstream human reproductive organoids. (Heidari-Khoei, 2020) Fig.1 Applications of mainstream human reproductive organoids. (Heidari-Khoei, 2020)

Related Services

Creative Biolabs is a global biological company keeping a close eye on the cancer field. We are consistent in pursuing the most advanced technology to meet various research demands. Our rich research experience and prominent expert resources will ensure to offer you reliable patient-derived fallopian cancer organoid models and high-quality technology services listed below along the science research path whenever you need them. Don’t hesitate to contact us to discuss your project for more rapid success.


  1. Heidari-Khoei H.; et al. Organoid technology in female reproductive biomedicine. Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology. 2020, 18: 1-19.
Research Model

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