Cardiotoxicity Evaluation by 3D Cardiac Spheroid Model

Creative Biolabs is proud to present our high-quality 3D cardiac spheroid model as an invaluable tool for enhancing the physiological relevance of cardiotoxicity evaluation. Through this cutting-edge innovation, we offer our global clientele a seamless, one-stop solution for reproducible high-throughput cardiac toxicity testing services.

Tailored Culture Spheroids
Our team of experts conducts meticulous evaluations, taking into account your unique research plan. Drawing upon our extensive array of resources including primary cells from rodents/humans, hiPSC-derived cardiomyocytes, endothelial cells, fibroblasts, and stem cells, we craft bespoke multicellular/single-cell culture spheroids that perfectly suit your requirements.
Diverse 3D Cellular Architectures
We offer an assortment of 3D cardiac spheroid generation modes and cultivation environments that cater to diverse experimental demands. Our meticulous customization includes the manipulation of environmental factors such as stiffness, elasticity, and conductivity to ensure optimal conditions for your research endeavors.
Comprehensive Drug Testing
Our comprehensive inventory comprises a wide spectrum of compounds designed for swift turnover and maximum efficacy. We also readily accept test samples in any desired format. For further details on our sample submission protocols, please consult our technical team.
Thorough Testing Procedures
Utilizing state-of-the-art biological monitoring platforms, we meticulously track and analyze a myriad of test indicators such as growth data, cell status, electrosystolic rhythm, cell morphology, expression profiles of relevant genes, and electrophysiological characteristics. This allows for a comprehensive evaluation of the effects of various stimuli on cardiac function.

2D and 3D spheroid cardiac model. (Beauchamp, 2020) Fig 1. 2D and 3D spheroid cardiac model.1

2D Cell Culture or 3D Cardiac Spheroid?

2D cell culture has provided extensive insights into classical biology and cardiovascular disease pathology. However, it only represents simplified cell-cell/matrix interactions. 3D cardiac spheroid culture serves as an alternative approach to conventional flat surface cell culture systems, bridging the gap between 2D culture and the natural tissue environment while retaining high-throughput capabilities. The advantages of the 3D cardiac spheroids utilized by Creative Biolabs include:

  • Expedited and non-invasive high-throughput assessment of in vitro cell states.
  • Preservation of human genetic backgrounds and protein expression patterns.
  • Facilitation of rapid acquisition of reliable data through parallel experiments involving multiple drug treatments.
  • Customizability to meet specific research needs.

Additional Support

At Creative Biolabs, our unwavering focus is on providing our clientele with the most comprehensive solutions for cardiac toxicity assessment. Drawing upon the distinct nature of your research objectives, disease models, throughput requirements, and analytical focal points, we passionately tailor evaluation procedures that perfectly align with your needs.

At Creative Biolabs, we strive to provide the best service and technical support to our clients. We look forward to hearing from you and are ready to address any inquiries you may have.


  1. Beauchamp, P.; et al. 3D Co-culture of hiPSC-derived cardiomyocytes with cardiac fibroblasts improves tissue like features of cardiac spheroids. Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences. 2020, 14: 3369.
Research Model

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