3D Ex Vivo Human Larynx Tissue Model Introduction

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Larynx and Related Diseases

The larynx is a crucial organ situated in the neck region that connects the pharynx to the trachea and functions as a pivotal component in the respiratory and phonatory systems. However, laryngeal diseases such as laryngeal cancer, laryngitis, and laryngopharyngeal reflux have become a significant public health concern due to their high morbidity and mortality rates. Despite the alarming prevalence of laryngeal diseases, there is a paucity of research on the pathogenic mechanism of these conditions.

Limitations of Traditional Models

Conventional animal and cell models have been utilized to investigate laryngeal diseases, but these models have limitations in reflecting the physiological and pathological conditions of the human larynx accurately. Animal models can only partially simulate the complexity of human physiology, while cell models cannot represent the interactions and heterogeneity among different cell types. As a result, there is a pressing need for more precise and reliable models to explore the pathogenesis of laryngeal diseases.

Why Choose 3D Ex Vivo Human Larynx Tissue?

A promising approach to bridge this gap is the use of ex vivo human larynx tissue models. Ex vivo models allow the study of human tissue in a controlled and dynamic environment, enabling the exploration of the molecular and cellular mechanisms of laryngeal diseases. Moreover, ex vivo models offer advantages over animal and cell models, such as the preservation of tissue architecture, cell-to-cell and cell-to-matrix interactions, and the avoidance of ethical issues associated with animal experimentation.

Laryngectomy tissue sample.Fig 1. Laryngectomy tissue sample. (Mo, 2019)

More 3D Ex Vivo Human Digestive System Tissue Models at Creative Biolabs

Laryngeal diseases are a significant public health concern, and there is a lack of research on their pathogenic mechanisms and useable research models. Creative Biolabs has developed a mature, stable, and comprehensive 3D ex vivo human larynx tissue procurement and supply network, which can provide valuable tissue models and related services for laryngeal disease research. We have many years of experience in purchasing compliant human tissue samples. These precious samples offer a promising approach to digestive system disease research and maximize the success rate of related analyzes involving proteomics, genomics, and metabolomics. Our comprehensive ex vivo tissue model will include:

Highly viable tissue samples processed with proprietary solutions recapitulate the three-dimensional architecture and cellular heterogeneity of the human larynx, allowing for the investigation of the pathogenesis of laryngeal diseases at the tissue level. We also launch customized services to meet your needs for special samples and processing methods, please do not hesitate to contact us for expert assistance.


  1. Mo, T.T.; et al. Optimized generation of primary human epithelial cells from larynx and hypopharynx: a site-specific epithelial model for reflux research. Cell Transplantation. 2019, 28(5): 630-637.
Research Model

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